es of offenders clumsily applied specials. means, or in the required time did not use them at all. And so the question of efficiency of the use of special police officers, improving the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of this group of legal gaining relevance.police separate battalion patrol service officers of the Ministry of Interior in Zhytomyr region suggests that 95.7% of employees say that the evil is growing unrest offenders lawful demands of the police, and 85.3% - physical resistance during their detention. In an environment that has a very acute issue of increasing the level of training of personnel police tactical, combat training, especially in the application of physical restraint, firearms, special means of administrative suspension, improving procurement officers to deal with a variety of offenses. shows that in most cases, the personnel of the Interior lacked the necessary skills to use special means an administrative suspension.current regulatory framework in Ukraine - the Law of Ukraine "On Police" from 20.12.90 g, USSR Council of Ministers Resolution № 49 "On approval of the application of special means for the protection of public order in the USSR" from 27.02.91 g, regulations that regulatory features of the application of these tools have some disadvantages of special administrative suspension.can decisively to stop the violation of law, but the mechanism of administrative regulation, for example, are not defined separately means the termination of criminal and administrative suspension with regard to their capabilities and the legislative, not defined in law what is meant by the term "exceptional circumstances" "other antisocial acts," it is not clear how and by whom is determined by the intensity of the use of special means of special operations are not defined cases when special operations prohibits the use of any special tools, no guidelines, typical development , manuals for unit commanders patrol guard service commanders of special police units for training personnel to use special means for the protection of public order, and in the course of solving operational problems.connection with the above shortcomings personnel training police on the use of special funds held at a low level of organizational and methodical, practical training, training conducted very rarely and without the use of the full range of special tools that are in service with the police.administrative and legal regulation in the sphere of public order highlighted in a number of books, theses, manuals, articles.rules of administrative law and legal relations in the sphere of application of the administrative suspension.analysis of the regulation suggests unilateral control procedure specified group relations - have the right to police the use of special tools and the responsibility of citizens for actions that infringe on the established order management, implementation of citizens 'rights and freedoms referred to in pu...