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Реферат Phonetic peculiarities of the popular science text

ce of data. compete with great and growing popularity of the Internet, modern mass media had to develop a variety of content types which would attract the potential audience. They offer first of all news programs, soap operas, various contests, shows and, what is most interesting for our topic, popular science films. For decades they were equally successful among the people of all ages and now there even exist the channels like Discovery, National Geographic, Animal Planet, which are focused on this genre. In the next paragraphs of this paper the peculiarities of the genre will be discussed more closely and now we shall have a look at the means of transferring the information. br/>

1.2 The means of transferring the information. Corpus linguistics

humans have five senses: we can see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Yet scientists have not invented the devices which would be able to transfer the information using our ability to smell and taste (the braille, used by the blind people, can be regarded as a side-effect of the problem of adaptation of written speech for the means of successful integration of the disabled people into society). Thus, generally there are two means of transferring the information: audio means and visual means. The latter nowadays include written text and various graphs, diagrams and other types off illustrative materials. Up till now, the written text has been the main foundation for linguistic research. of the latest trends is the corpus linguistics which uses statistical methods in the computer analysis of huge massives of texts. Corpus linguistics is based on the idea that language is a completely social phenomenon and it can be described through data drawn from speech acts. As a social phenomenon, the language can be seen in texts, which can be written down, described and analyzed. The majority of texts appear to be speech acts. Corpus linguistics describes single natural languages, individual linguistic characteristics with the help of lingvostatistic methods. Corpora make thorough sources of data and can be used by various branches of linguistics. For example, they are used in semantics, grammar theory, intercultural communications theory. Corpus linguistics became the basis of modern lexicography; it is used to resolve complicated linguistic problems, ie machine translation, speech recognition and synthesis, automatic spelling and grammar checking. One of the interesting cases of corpora is Cambridge International Corpus. It includes over a billion words of real spoken and written English. A part of it makes the Cambridge Learner Corpus, a unique collection of over 90000 exam papers from Cambridge ESOL, which shows real mistakes students make and highlights the parts of English which cause problems for students.and visual means of transferring the information make relatively new fields of research as they became significant only in the past ce...

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