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Реферат Manual for doing an educational research

significant research problem. It is recommended to spend some time for searching for a problem one would like to study. It is very rare that the idea of ​​the research just comes by itself; usually a lot of reading is done before. It can happen that while doing a reading about the problem one wants to study, later he or she will find out that it has already been studied or that it is not very important. The process of identifying can take a lot of time, several months; that is why it is better to start it from the very beginning. While searching for a problem and doing dome readings a research should always keep in mind that the topic of the study must have value, be urgent for now and of great interest for others, otherwise there is no sense of it. And at the same time the topic must be interesting for a researcher as well. A researcher should also think about these kinds of questions: What is already known about the topic? What are advantages and disadvantages of previous studies? What is still unknown? And what will be my impact on it? At this stage there can be an option either to make a theory-based research or the one which will extend previous studies. The theory based research is usually conducted as a confirmation of a hypothesis and gives explanation to already known fact. While the idea of ​​doing a study of extending previous research is to analyze, summarize or go into details, the validity of which can differs according to the time.

. Writing a research proposal. It is recommended to write it before a student starts the research because it will help to plan it and make limits of the research. Writing a research proposal helps students to formulate their thoughts on the paper, can be used as a guide and needs to be approved by an advisor before collecting a data. Research proposal is a very important document and consists of the following parts: introduction, literature review, data design, methods and analysis, human subject protection and the time line. Introduction is the first or an opening part of a study and is multifunctional: it explains the problem and some reasons for this, what is the connection between the problem and the nowadays literature, what are the hypothesis, research questions and design. There are two possible types of hypothesis. First is a directional one and here a research will show the connection between two facts (for example, the usage of painting in chemistry and physics improves students knowledge), the second one is null hypothesis, when a researcher states that there is no connection between two factors (for example, the idea of ​​using painting at chemistry and physics classes does not improve students outcome). But if a research is not testing the prediction (that is hypothesis), he can have...

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