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Реферат Civil society and the state

nd the rule of law is manifested in the mandatory mutual responsibility of the state and the individual. This, in turn, implies, first, a clear separation of powers and thus smooth functioning of the legislative, executive and judicial branches. Secondly - a clear legislative strengthening and compliance of political and legal status of the individual. br/>

. State and civil society in the teachings H.-V.-F. Hegel

civil society hegel state

The most thorough attempt scientific analysis and knowledge of the nature of law and the state was made by the German philosopher Georg-Wilhelm-Friedrich Hegel Hom (1770-1831) in his В«Philosophy of LawВ» and other works.rights, freedom, morality, and morality is the focus of creative interests Hegel throughout his life. Even in the book В«Folk religion and Christianity,В» he critically examined the Christian religion, which expresses only one morality, individual, man. Here Hegel said that people need moral В«folk religionВ» that would develop along with the state and would be able to preserve the integrity and universality of freedom and moral life.the book В«Positivity of the Christian Religion,В» Hegel suggested that replacing the pagan religion of Christianity has led to people losing their freedom. The integrity of the moral life of the nation disintegrated in people entrenched habit to obey the will of another, individuals plunged into private life, largely alienated from the state.believed that absolute moral integrity is nothing like people.to scientists, the true morality of sending common organic whole, as a single individual, its morality, law receive their real meaning only as moments of totality.writings of Hegel's В«Phenomenology of SpiritВ», В«Philosophy of mindВ» and В«Philosophy of LawВ» presents a unified concept of the relationship between law, ethics and morality. Problems Rules В«Phenomenology of SpiritВ» opened at the В«objective spiritВ» when the spirit overcomes the В«individual consciousnessВ» (subjective spirit), reaches the level of В«social consciousnessВ» (objective spirit) and then has been in the form of collective spirit within which society is closely suited to the realization of the laws of development. Categorical structure, which outlines В«Phenomenology of SpiritВ», a concept of law, В«moral - legal status - morality.В» To the teaching of Hegel, the category of В«moralityВ» is identical to the category of В«spiritВ», which is the level of the mind, where the authenticity of what he is - the whole reality constructed in the truth, and the mind is aware of himself as his world, and the world - as Himself.equivalent of moral consciousness is В«a moral society.В» Kingdom of morality is also divided into many individuals who are equal. В«Legal statusВ» implies recognition of the right and duty of all to be a person. Legal society generates real element forces personalities. Tamin...

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