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Реферат Civil society and the state

g the natural forces associated with morality, which is based on free will and awareness of the subject of the whole complex of moral relations. Morality requires harmony between morality and nature, morality and sensual inclination and finally reconciliation of all moral contradictions in the subject, which realized its limitations, appreciated the moral desire to other subjects and the purity reached its identity. Concept and categorical structure in В«Philosophy of mindВ» and В«Philosophy of LawВ» in substance identical. В«Philosophy of LawВ» is broader and more systematic set of the same concepts and ideas. It depicts the thorns of В«objective spiritВ», whose main purpose is the realization of freedom in the outside world in order to become a reality world free relations., In the sense of Hegel is determinate being freedom. According to the three main stages and forms of categorization concepts of В«freedomВ» and В«rightВ» В«Philosophy of LawВ» is divided into three parts: В«abstract rightВ», В«moralityВ», В«ethicsВ». The sphere of abstract right to liberty - direct and abstract. Man appears here as an abstract and free В«IВ». This unit will have personality.right - this awareness capacity, pure chance all these, more specific definitions of rights and freedoms.three stages - В«propertyВ», В«contractВ», В«lieВ», freedom and the right specified, objective spirit enters into the sphere of morality.the abstract rights of independent will had its determinate being in appearance, the moral will has a determinate being in itself, only on the degree of moral self-determination will take on meaning, motivation, intent and purpose entities.the moral value of a person is determined by its internal behavior. The development of morality through stages В«intent and Wine,В» В«intentions and goodВ», В«good and conscienceВ» allows her to have an absolute right to determine what is right, duty and other valuables.morality - a subjective reflection of identity. The true realization of freedom in the objective world is in morality. At this level of freedom appears not only as the right of the subjective will, but as objectivity and reality. At this stage the spirit of a person realizes his duty as what it should be, and this need has itself and its true freedom. Morality is the family, civil society, the state and acts in world history as a universal world spirit. Legal and ethical position В«Phenomenology of SpiritВ» and В«Philosophy of RightВ» complementary. The beginning is the concept of В«Phenomenology of SpiritВ»: В«Ethics - legal status - morality.В» Total category of structure takes the form of two concepts: В«morality - law - morality - morality.В» This categorical structure expresses the appropriate pattern. The very basis of human society morality is poor potency. In the development of society, she realized and manifested through the interaction of law and morality. Finally, can a stage of society where morality is implemented dir...

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