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Реферат Ensuring personal safety of law enforcement officers

in strengthening professional readiness and security.identify the main (direct) and auxiliary precautions. The main measures of personal security are as follows [1]:

. Professional activities include the acquisition and improvement of the service experience, combat, operational training, operational training for its skillful use. p align="justify">. Spiritual activities include culture behavior with colleagues from taxpayers to individuals who evade taxes, in the family, with outside entities and stable moral behavior in different situations. p align="justify">. Legal measures - the compliance of the legal regulatory framework and objective criteria and objective professional performance. Requires knowledge of the law, the observance of their duty and the development of appropriate regulations. p align="justify">. Tactical measures - knowledge of tactics criminals use their skillful tactical action to arrest the offender, Defeating him with minimal loss and maximum profit. p align="justify">. Psychological and methodological measures include psyche more reasonable, active, decisive action and willingness to act in difficult and dangerous to life or health situations.psychological defense depends on a careful and impartial attitude of managers at various levels, which depend on the creation of appropriate conditions for the efficient and safe operation of subordinates.

. Fizychni measures - the ability to take action against criminal attack against the life or health. involves physical development, ownership-hand combat, as well as create sustainable psychomotor status to external manifestations of danger in order to protect their professional actions. Mastery of the techniques of unarmed combat as using special equipment and without them - professional duty of every employee. - A weapon that has many advantages over other weapons. p align="justify"> Unarmed combat techniques cannot be seen until they are applied. In appearance it is very difficult to determine the real training person. p align="justify"> Where you cannot use firearms, can be successfully applied techniques of unarmed combat. Police officers on duty do not always have the opportunity to use firearms, even against a very dangerous criminal (on crowded streets, public transport, etc.). And without the techniques of unarmed combat, he is left without weapons. p align="justify"> Use techniques of unarmed combat which requires no special preparation. Their use is always sudden and silent. p align="justify"> Knowledge of techniques of unarmed combat cannot select until the person is alive, they cannot lose. This weapon is always with you. But as a weapon must be "clean" and performing tricks constantly train. p align="justify"> Close combat techniques - is the most humane weapon. Application techniques can control (dose). Using the techniques of unarmed combat, can subdue his own enemy without causing damage, can cause da...

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