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Реферат Ensuring personal safety of law enforcement officers

mage or be destroyed., Unarmed combat techniques and methods of their use are very important for the employees of the Ministry of Ukraine. But to melee weapons was really need to organize learning how to direct methods, and tactical action on their application. p align="justify">. Individual measures - a set of individual qualities of the employee, his ability to effectively apply the necessary measures and means to ensure personal safety.special attention to the importance of mastering the skills of unarmed combat for employees.close combat tactics necessary to understand the principles that are useful for the application of certain techniques of defense and attack in different situations, where there is a need. Serious study tactics dogfight becomes possible only when man has the basic techniques and their combinations. If at the time of conventional fight with the offender or, especially, in real melee police officer will think that pre that welcome and how to use it, it is clear he will not have to tactics.can only exist on a solid base of concrete , even somewhat primitive but firmly imbedded technology.a broader sense, words are tactics in melee may understand the skills and abilities:

Recognize the situation of self-defense (for example, to not take the game for a fight, a joke by the threat of attack and so on);

"See" the offender (the number of attackers, their strengths and weaknesses, the most likely plan of action);

Decide on how to join or not to join the battle, given the specific circumstances and needs of the service;

To take the most comfortable position, waiting for enemy action;

Identify the direction of the main attack and distracting actions;

Assess the new circumstances that have arisen as a result of the first action immediately to make a new action plan to meet the new circumstances and to begin its implementation.all of the above listed skills and abilities necessary to mobilize and use in seconds and with minimal errors, otherwise serious errors in real combat with the offender can occur last in life.you own the art of unarmed combat, you should be patient and compliant, avoid unnecessary conflicts, injuries and deaths. It should be friendly to people, especially the conditions and advice to destroy the human desire to inflict wing action.you are dealing with a violent, hooligan actions of the offender is required, first, to prepare for a possible self-defense, and secondly , to try to calm the offender's words remind him of law and order, to try to prevent an aggravation of the situation. Preventing conflict - a great tactical skill. But when the opponent has violated the law or his actions are a real threat to your life or health or to the life and health of other people, you should apply the force decisively to stop crime.case of physical force (of unarmed...

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