.: What date is it today?: Today is: ..: Who is absent?: All are present.
) Целеполаганіеright! Today we are going to learn how to argue your case. Also, we ll learn new words and word-combinations, repeat previous grammatical themes and learn new one. So we have a lot to do. s begin.
. Актуалізація опорних знань
) Мовна зарядка (фронтальний опитування) s talk about backpacking.
When young people go on a backpacking holiday, what kind of accommodation do they stay in? (Youth hostel, cheap hostel)
Let s talk about advantages and disadvantages of these forms of accommodation.
) Перевірка виконання домашнього завдання, what was your home assignment for today? Remind me, please.
Let s check it.1 p 80.were to write the numbers and dates in words. Let s check.
. six hundred and twenty-two
. one thousand, eight hundred and three
. one million four hundred (and) twelve thousand six hundred (and) five
. nineteen hundred
. the first of December
. twenty-seventh birthday
2 p 80.you read the text? Ok. So you were to match the headings with the paragraphs. Which heading don t you need?
. b 2. d 3. g 4. e 5. a 6. c
3 p 80.were to match the two halves of the sentences.
. f 2. b 3. d 4.a 5. c 6. e
Основна частина
) Розвиток навичок аудірованія1 page 90.and Lydia are backpacking. You see them on the picture. s focus on the photo.are they carrying? are they doing? do you think they are? are to read and listen to their conversation and answer the questions:
. What do they disagree about?
. Who get her own way in the end? Do you understand get her own way?
робити по-своєму, домогтися свого, настояти на своєму - get one's own way, do as one pleases / chooses / feels
. They disagree about where to stay.
. Sophie gets her own way.
2 page 90.uses these facts and opinions to argue their case? Write Sophie or Lydia.it individually.
Let s check.
. Lydia
. Sophie
. Sophie
. Lydia
. Sophie
. Sophie3 page 90.are to listen to three conversations. Match the speaker with the disagreements.
. B 2.C 3.A4 page 90.are going to listen again. You should write who gets their own way in each disagreement.
. Cameron 2. Chloe 3. Leo5 page 90.should put the expressions from the dialogues into the correct group: A (doubting a suggestion), B (giving an alternative suggestion), C (conceding the argument) or D (refusing to concede= поступатися (что-л.); відмовлятися (від чого-л.)). can do it in pairs.
! I want to point out that I suppose shows reluctance., I suppose you could be right is much more reluctant than Yes, you re ri...