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Реферат The Maple Leaf as the National Icon of Canada

ign="justify"> popularity of the maple leaf continued, and in 1834, Jacques Viger, the first mayor of the city of Montreal, called it «the king of our forest; ... The symbol of the Canadian people. » Then, in 1848, the Toronto literary annual, fittingly titled «Maple Leaf,» called the leaf the chosen emblem of Canada.a public meeting in 1860, it was decided that native-born Canadians would wear a maple leaf badge as a symbol of their country of origin during a visit from the Prince of Wales. Hundreds of people wore the badges during a public procession welcoming the prince, and the grand ball held in his honor was decorated with wreaths of maple leaves.maple leaf appears in military. In 1860, after the public had adopted the maple leaf as its symbol for an official visit of the Prince of Wales, the Canadian regiments in the British military incorporated the symbol into their official uniforms. During both World Wars, the Canadian military continued that tradition and many Canadian regiments donned the maple leaf as a distinctive symbol on their uniforms and badges.maple leaf and music. In 1867, Alexander Muir wrote «The Maple Leaf Forever» as the song meant as the anthem of the Canadian nation. Though the country was young, the song remained the anthem for several decades and is still an important Canadian patriotic song.maple leaf on the coins. Between 1876 and 1901, all Canadian coins carried the symbol of the maple leaf. Though that tradition was discontinued in the early 20th century, the modern-day Canadian penny is still decorated with the emblem.Does the Maple Leaf on the Canadian Flag Represent?

Canadian flag was adopted by the Canadian Parliament Oct. 22, 1964, and the official inauguration ceremony took place Feb. 15, 1965. Ever since, the maple leaf has been a symbol of Canadian pride. Unlike provincial flags or territorial flags, the maple leaf represents unity across the entire country-regardless of birthplace. It is an inclusive symbol, and by removing the association with the Union Jack on the old flag, the maple leaf has become a symbol of Canada's nationality and independence.





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