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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Forms of tourism

Реферат Forms of tourism

or sometimes referred to as heritage tourism is the division of tourism concerned with the region s culture, specifically the lifestyle and history of the people, their art, architecture , religion and other elements. Cultural tourism includes cultural facilities such as museums, theatres and festivals. This is one of the most popular types of tourism and attracts tourists from different parts of the world.

Adventure Tourism tourism is an outdoor activity that generally takes place in an unusual, remote or a wilderness area. This adventurous activity can take place in the sea, in rivers, in the air, in mountains and is associated with low or high levels of physical activity. There are many types of products and services that fall within the Adventure Tourism category such as: bungee jumping, mountaineering expeditions, rafting, rock climbing, diving, wind surfing, paragliding and many more.

Wellness Tourism tourism is one of the fastest growing forms of international and domestic tourism. This form of tourism involves people who travel to a different place to pursue activities that maintain or enhance their personal health and wellness, and who are seeking unique, authentic or location-based experiences. Wellness tourism include massages, body treatments, facial treatments, exercise facilities & programs, weight loss programs, nutrition programs, pre - and post-operative Spa treatments and mind / body programs.

Eco Tourism is «Responsible travel to natural (unspoilt) areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.» The purpose of ecotourism is to educate the traveler about natural destinations, to provide ecological conservation and awareness, to benefit economic development, the political empowerment of local communities and respect for the local culture. Here the traveler can experience the natural way of life surrounded by natural circumstances.

Sports Tourism tourism refers to international travel either for viewing or participating in a sporting event. Examples include international sporting events such as the Olympics, world cup (soccer, rugby, and cricket), tennis, golf and Formula 1 Grand Prix.

Religious Tourism Tourism or faith tourism are people of faith who travel on their own or in groups to holy cities or holy sites for pilgrimages, crusades, conventions, retreats, religious tourist attractions or missionary work.

Wildlife Tourism tourism is the observation of wild (non-domestic) animals in their natural environment or in captivity. It includes activities such as photography, viewing and feeding of animals. This form of tourism offer tourists customized tour packages and safaris and is closely associated with eco-tourism and sustainable-tourism.minor forms of tourism include Slum tourism, Luxury tourism, Agritourism, Geo-tourism, Culinary tourism and many more.is also a profitable industry for the following sectors: accommodation venues, tour guides, recreation, attractions, events and conferences, food and beverage, transportation and the travel trade.

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