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Реферат Henry Miller's philosophy and style in "Tropic of cancer", "Tropic of Capricorn" and "Black Spring"

rmal and aesthetic innovations and the vision of the world could best reflect a new spirit of the period. These authors were inspired by some of the techniques discussed above, but a strong generation of American postmodern authors who used postmodern narrative techniques and style appeared and started to dominate American fiction as late as in the 1960 s. Some of the writers who some critics understood as postmodernist appeared earlier and their work both significantly 61inspired their work and expressed a different vision of the world than the above Modernist authors. This vision was much closer to the contemporary atmosphere of the mass and postmodern society discussed above. Henry Miller is one of them.

miller american novels literary

Miller s philosophy and style in Tropic of cancer , Tropic of Capricorn and Black Spring

Henry Miller is an American writer known as a literary innovator for his brilliant writing which according to Ralph B. Sipper used to be written in such a way that actual and imagined experiences became indistinguishable from each other. His works has been a topical theme for critics and specialists in literature for a long time and still his novels remain on the top of the most eccentric, audacious, frank and ironic works of the 20 th century. It is a wonderful thing that some of Henry Miller s work at last is coming out in a popular edition in the United States. Henry Miller is a really popular writer, a writer of and for real people, who, in other countries, is read, not just by highbrows, or just by the wider public which reads novels, but by common people, by the people who, in the United States, read comic books. As the Southern mountain woman said of her hero son, dead in Korea, Mister, he was sure a great reader, always settin in the corner with a piece of cold bread and one of them funny books. the reviews of critics and men of letters there could be found quite negative assessments and disavowal of any talent and writing skills of H. Miller, denegation of any philosophy but only the flight of ideas and thoughts lubberly cloistered between the lines. As well as positively oriented reviews full of appreciation and gratitude for daring to reveal every intimate moment followed by philosophic comments of the author himself. For example, George Orwel in his essay written in 1940 affirms: Tropic of Cancer has been vaguely associated with two other books, Ulysses and Voyage au bout de la nuit, but in neither case is there much resemblance. What Miller has in common with Joyce is a willingness to mention the inane, squalid facts of everyday life. Putting aside differences of technique, the funeral scene in Ulysses, for instance, would fit into Tropic of Cancer; the whole chapter is a sort of confession, an expos? of the frightful inner callousness of the human being. But there the resemblance ends. was first recognized after the publication of his novel, Tropic of Cancer, which to date remains Henry Miller s most famous work. Tropic of Cancer was followed by Tropic of Capricorn in terms of fame. Although the books are fiction, they contain autobiographic elements revolving around Miller s life as a struggling writer. The books were originally published ...

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