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Реферат Henry Miller's philosophy and style in "Tropic of cancer", "Tropic of Capricorn" and "Black Spring"

Омський інститут міжнародного менеджменту та іноземних мов «Ін.яз.- Омськ »

Реферат з історії літератури

Henry Miller s philosophy and style in Tropic of cancer < b align="center">, Tropic of Capricorn and Black Spring

Виконала студентка 4 курсу, 4А2 групи

Дьоміна Т. С.


Балова О. Л.

Омськ 2013


After the World War II the USA became a mass society described by Irving Howe above (Mass Society and Postmodern Fiction) in which advanced technology (cars, airplanes, information and communication technologies) and media (television, radio) have fostered a further development of democracy (control of the government by independent media, access to information) and has enabled a massive dissemination of popular culture such as popular culture including popular music (blues, jazz, rock), literature (comic strips , comic books, pornography, the western, love stories), film, TV serials, soap operas, sitcoms, fashion and others. As can be seen from the above and as Irving Howe defined it as early as in the 1950s, American society, culture and sensibility of the 1950 s was considerably different than this shortly after the World War II (Howe, 195 ..). Not too many American authors, however, were able to reflect this new condition, culture and reality through formal or them1tic means in their works. Many of them were still influenced by and wrote in a tradition of either Naturalist, Modernist or more experimental absurd and existentialist writing influenced by French authors Jean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. T As can be seen from the above and as Irving Howe defined it as early as in the 1950s, American society, culture and sensibility of the 1950 s was considerably different than this shortly after the World War II (Howe, 195 ..). Not too many American authors, however, were able to reflect this new condition, culture and reality through formal or them1tic means in their works. Many of them were still influenced by and wrote in a tradition of either Naturalist, Modernist or more experimental absurd and existentialist writing influenced by French authors Jean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus.depiction of the chaotic urban setting, disintegration of moral values, absurdity, radical rebellion, nihilism, sexuality, alcoholism, vernacularism, slang and jargon expressing a rebellion against standard norms (Salinger) better than traditional Realistic, Naturalistic or more traditional Modernist novels depicted the spirit of the period, but these formal, thematic or aesthetic innovations still could not grasp a new upcoming postmodern atmosphere and condition of a newly formed society characterized above. Postmodern authors, especially of the 1960 s, developed the themes and some of the techniques and visions of the world as used by the above authors (absurdity, chaos, nihilism, thematization of alcoholism and drugs, grotesque). Seems that it is especially postmodern literature and authors, their fo...

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