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Реферат Henry Miller's philosophy and style in "Tropic of cancer", "Tropic of Capricorn" and "Black Spring"

by Jack Kahane at Obelisk Press in France in the mid thirties. However, when the books were brought to the United States for publishing, a censorship ban of 30 years was pressed. Miller finally won the case and the two books were published with efforts of Barney Rosset by Grove Press. After the publication of Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn, Miller s other works were also published in the United States. Miller became a hero and his books, best sellers. The publication of his books proved to be a life changing experience and he went from a life of poverty and begging in Paris to living comfortably and respectfully in the United States.Valentine Miller was born on December 26, 1891 in Yorkville, NYC. His parents were German immigrants. Henry acquired his love of fine clothing from his father who was a tailor. Miller spent a life of scarcity and poverty till his late 30 s until the legendary Tropic of Cancer was published. Miller attended City College of New York for a short period of time and decided to quit despite being a bright student because he did not believe in the traditional system of education. He moved to Paris alone in 1930 after marrying twice. After an initial life of neediness and struggle, Miller s days changed for the better after befriending Hugh Guiler and Anais Nin who supported him financially. Miller returned to the United States in 1940 at the age of 48 and continued writing in his bold style, challenging and raising questions about the American morals and values. He lived in Big Sur, where he established an artist s colony and married two more women. He married a total of five times. It was also in Big Sur that he completed another masterwork, Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch. When Miller and his wife could not take anymore the rising fame and unlimited visiting fans, they moved to Pacific Palisades in Southern California where he spent the last twenty years of his life. Henry Miller died on June 7, 1980 due to circulatory problems at the age of 88.order to comprehend all the books, which are to be analyzed it is appropriate to cover each of them one by one. The first is a novel which brought H. Miller the fame: Tropic of cancer.

This novel has been described as «notorious for its candid sexuality». Miller wrote the book between 1930 and 1934 during his «nomadic life» in Paris. As Miller discloses in the text of the book, he first intended to title it «Crazy Cock». Miller gave the following explanation of why the book «s title was Tropic of Cancer:" It was because to me cancer symbolizes the disease of civilization, the endpoint of the wrong path, the necessity to change course radically, to start completely over from scratch . Tropic of Cancer centers on Miller »s life as a struggling writer. Combining autobiography and fiction, some chapters follow a narrative of some kind and refer to Miller's actual friends, colleagues, and workplaces; others are written as stream-of-consciousness < ; # «justify"> Henry Miller is thought to be a representative of Naturalist movement, but the stream-of-consciousness which is clear to be the distinctive feature of H. Miller s works. George Orwell in his essay Inside the Whale mentions: Evidently these books are of the sort to leave a flavour behind them - books that create a world of their own, as the saying goes. The books that do this are not necessarily good books, they may be good bad books like Raffles or the Sherlock H...

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