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Реферат Програмування у середовіщі Turbo Pascal

;=240;=100;= 20;=array [1 .. n] of real; GD, GM, GE: integer;, U2: massiv; tu, k, q, f: real; ua: real; DFT (a, b: massiv; n, s: integer; var c, d: massiv); i, j: integer; arg: real; q, w: massiv; s=1 theni:=1 to n do begin [i]:=0; d [i]:=0; j:=1 to n do begin:=- 2 * pi * (j - 1) * (i - 1) / n; [i]:=c [i] + a [j ] * cos (arg); [i]:=d [i] + a [j] * sin (arg);; [i]:=c [i] / n; [i]:=d [i] / n; i:=1 to n do begin [i]:=0; w [i]:=0; j:=1 to n do begin:=2 * pi * (j - 1) * (i - 1)/n;[i]:=q[i]+a[j]*cos(arg)-b[j]*sin(arg);[i]:=w[i]+b[j]*cos(arg)-a[j]*sin(arg);;[i]:=sqrt(sqr(q[i])+sqr(w[i]));q[i]&lt;=0 then [i]: =-c [i];;; F_U (t: real): real; t <= (Pr / 2) then_U: =-A * (1-exp (- 1 * t / tau) ) _U:=A * (1-exp (- 1 * (Pr-t) / tau));; Simpson_F9 (sn: integer): real; a, b, h, s: real; i: integer;:= Pr / 2;:=Pr;:=(ba) / (sn - 1);:=0; i:=1 to sn - 1 do:=s +4 * F_U (a + i * h) +2 * F_U (a + (i +1) * h); _F9:=h * (s + F_U (a)-F_U (b)) / 3;; Simpson_F12 (sn: integer): real; a, b, h, s : real; i: integer;:=0;:=Pr;:=(ba) / (sn - 1);:=0; i:=1 to sn - 1 do:=s +4 * sqr (F_U ( a + i * h)) +2 * sqr (F_U (a + (i +1) * h)); _F12:=h * (s + sqr (F_U (a))-sqr (F_U (b))) / 3;; Graphic; x, y: real;: integer;:=0;:=F_U (x); [1]:=y; (x0 + round (x * xz), y0-round (y * yz) ); i:=2 to n do begin:=x + dt;:=F_U (x); [i]:=y; (x0 + round (x * xz), y0-round (y * yz)); ;:=0;:=F_U (x); (x0 + Pr * xz + round (x * xz), y0-round (y * yz)); i:=2 to n do begin:=x + dt; :=F_U (x); (x0 + Pr * xz + round (x * xz), y0-round (y * yz));;; Graphic2; x, y: real;: integer;:=0;:= U2 [1]; (x0 + round (x * xz), y0-round (y * yz)); i:=2 to n do begin:=x + dt;:=U2 [i]; (x0 + round (x * xz), y0-round (y * yz));;:=0;:=U2 [1]; (x0 + Pr * xz + round (x * xz), y0-round (y * yz) ); i:=2 to n do begin:=x + dt;:=U2 [i]; (x0 + Pr * xz + round (x * xz), y0-round (y * yz));;; Parametri_Impulsa ; x, y, tx: real;, l: integer;:=0;:=0;:=Pr / (bigN - 1); i:=1 to bigN do beginF_U (x)> 0 then inc (l);:=x + tx;;:=round (100 * (Pr * l / bigN)) / 100;:=1/Pr; {F7}:=Pr / tu; {F8}:=1 / q; («Parametry impulsa:»); («Chastota impulsa =», f: 0:2); («»); («Skvaznost =», q: 0:2); («»); («Koeficient zapolneniya impulsa =», k: 0:2);; Sr_Napryazenie; a, b, h1, h2: real;, sn2: integer;:=Pr/2;:=Pr;:=sqrt(eps);:=h1/2;:=round((b-a)/h1)+1;:=round((b-a)/h2)+1;(Simpson_F9(sn2)-Simpson_F9(sn1)) > eps do:=sn2;:=h2;:=h1 / 2;:=round ((ba) / h2) +1;; («Srednie napriajenie za vremea dlitelnosti impulsa =», Simpson_F9 (sn2) / tu: 0:5); («»);; Parametri_Impulsa2; fr: file of real;, m: integer;, d, b: massiv;, f, sum: real; (u1, b, n, 1, c , d); (fr, «save.dat»); (fr);:=0;:=0; i:=1 to n do begin:=sqrt (sqr (c [i]) + sqr (d [i]));: =-arctan (d [i] / c [i]); (fr, s, f);:=sum + s / 2; sum < 0.95 * ua then inc (m);;:=m +1; («Aktivna shirina spektra m =», m); («Parametry spektra sohraneny na disk»); (fr);; Deistvyushee_Naprazenie; a, b, h1, h2: real;, sn2: longint;:=0;:=Pr;:=sqrt(eps);:=h1/2;:=round((b-a)/h1)+1;:=round((b-a)/h2)+1;(Simpson_F12(sn2)-Simpson_F12(sn1)) > eps do begin:=sn2;:=h2;:=h1 / 2;:=round ((ba) / h2) +1;;:=sqrt (Simpson_F12 (sn2) / Pr); («Effectivnoe znachenie napryazeniya za period=», ua: 0:5);; Vostanovlenie_Signala; fr: file of real;: integer;, d, b: massiv;, f, sum: real; (fr,« save.dat »); ( fr); i:=1 to N_usech do begin (fr, s, f); [i]:=s * cos (f); [i]:=s * sin (f);; i:=N_usech +1 to n do begin [i]:=0; [i]:=0;; (c, d, n, - 1, u2, b); (fr);; Impuls_Pri_05A; z: real;, l: integer; :=0; i:...

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