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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Application requirements of international institutions to organizations of financial monitoring / AML in Ukraine in the struggle against corruption

Реферат Application requirements of international institutions to organizations of financial monitoring / AML in Ukraine in the struggle against corruption

s of illegal financial flows has been increased from 1.26 trillion $ to 1.44 trillion $, which are flowing away from the poorest countries in 2008.February 1, 2012 The Ministry of Justice should ensure implementation of the Unified State Register of persons who have committed corruption.purpose of the registry is providing background check information about individuals who apply for positions, connected with the functions of the state or local government, and to determine the positions of the major corruption risks. Analytical report on corruption risks in the spheres of administrative services and oversight of public administration in Ukraine [1] gives the results of the study of corruption in the provision of administrative services, lists of the major corruption risks and proposals for their reduction are presented. These, for example, are the following:

do not include in the State Budget Law provisions on the financing of government from the proceeds of fines they impose;

to establish by law the most common ways to address the administrative entity for the service using email communications, email, phone orders;

to avoid duplication of illegal acts syllables in the Code of Administrative Offences, Criminal Code and sectoral legislation;

other.issues and corruption risks which are listed in the Analytical report ... [1] are typical in all countries of the world, but significant corruption is defined only in some of them. This, on our opinion, is due to the peculiarities of the country, that is, its civilization identity.Phillips Huntington in his monography «The Clash of Civilizations and Remaking of the World Order» and in the article «The Clash of Civilizations?» described the decisive influence of civilization belonging on the development of the country, on the relations between countries. According to Huntington civilization is the highest cultural education that connects people and provides them with a degree of cultural identity. In this sense, civilization is defined by common objective elements, such as language, history, religion, customs, social institutions, as well as subjective self-identification of people. Huntington distinguishes some civilizations: Western, Hispanidad (Latin American), Japanese, Sinic, Hindu, Islamic, Orthodox, African, Buddhist.Orthodox Civilization, as for any other, a common language, history, religion and customs are typical features. There is the thesis in the religious traditions of Orthodoxy: repent and receive forgiveness. Therefore, religious and cultural roots of corruption (and many other crimes) are not breaking unavoidability of punishment. Improper severity of punishment or even lack of it conducives to the growth of corruption. Is it so you can find out from the information analysis in the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.statistical data from the site of the Ministry of Internal Affairs [4] about the number of certain types of crimes and the consequence of criminal case prosecutions are presented in the following tables.

1 - Crimes of organized groups and criminal organizations (material from [4])

20092010Organized groups and criminal organizations discovered130174with corrupt ties613with international connections1510formed on ethnic basis212Persons who commit crimes in organized groups and criminal organizations revealed486684Crimes by organized groups and criminal organizations committed8611247Certain types of crimesCreating a criminal organization510Banditry (gangsterism) 44Murder (and attempted) 67Brigandage2853Extortion726Hostage-takingHuman trafficking or other illegal agreement on the transfer of human32Illicit Weapons159Crimes in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or precursors circulation209236Larceny103150Misappropriation, embezzlement or obtaining the property through abuse of power9162Crimes in the sphere of official activity75113including abuse of authority or official duties432exceeding one s authority and power76bribery15Legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime1417Financial fraud18 of statistical data from the site of the Ministry of Internal Affairs [4] gives us the number of certain types of crimes and the outcome of criminal cases.the crimes as part of organized groups and criminal organizations corruption offenses have a small share (bribery, abuse of authority, abuse of authority and others, which are the result of getting unlawful benefit.) However, the dynamics of these crimes in recent years is positive, ie their number is increasing.2 shows those regions of Ukraine, where the most common crimes in the sphere of economic activity are committed, and thus, corruption. As for Ukraine s regions so as for certain types of crime in general its number is growing.

corruption ukraine crime economy

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