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Реферат Criminal law


amount of offensive material we are exposed to in films nowadays is surely excessive. Most people accept that scenes of sex and violence are sometimes necessary to tell a story, but all too often these scenes are gratuitous, they are unnecessary in the film to appeal to the baser human instincts.is the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient as determined by a government, media outlet, or other controlling body. It is the supervision and control body of the information and ideas that are circulated among the people within a society.can be done by governments and private organizations or by individuals who engage in self-censorship (Self-censorship is often practiced by film producers, film directors, publishers, news anchors, journalists, musicians, and other kinds of authors). It occurs for a variety of reasons including national security, to control obscenity, child pornography, and hate speech, to protect children, to promote or restrict political or religious views, to prevent slander and libel, and to protect intellectual property. It may or may not be legal. Many countries provide strong protections against censorship by law, but none of these protections are absolute and it is frequently necessary to balance conflicting rights in order to determine what can and cannot be censored.is necessary, especially to protect children from the corrupting influence of such scenes, often masquerading as art, in our cinemas.other hand, there are those who say that something which is banned becomes desirable, so censorship is counter-productive and that censorship infringes on our freedom of choice. However, freedom is not merely freedom to do what we want but freedom from attempts to destroy society s moral. Censorship provides the safeguards by which society protects itself.democratic and non-democratic countries use censorship. With the explosion of communication technology, it has become all-pervasive. There is a dispute as to whether censorship is good or bad. Pros of Censorship

· Censorship of pornographic material prevents the corrupting of the children.

· Scenes of people consuming alcohol or smoking influence people to copy them. Hence censoring such scenes serves a useful purpose.

· People may copy dangerous stunts shown on TV or movies. Censorship proves necessary here.

· It can be used to prevent politically motivated propaganda.

· It protects the privacy of people.

· Plagiarism is prevented.

· Abusive scenes in movies may offend some people. Censorship prevents that.

· It protects indigenous cultures from the bad influence of foreign cultures.

· It prevents the public display of disrespect to any particular individual or community.

· It promotes political correctness.

· Children are prevented from learning things that could harm them and others.

· It shields the morals of society.

· It restrains vulgarity and obscenity.

· The surfeit of violence in movies and TV is restricted by it.of Censorship

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