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Реферат Teenager's problems

think I`m still a kid. When I go out with friends, I always have to be back home by ten o`clock and they call me on my mobile to check where I am. I have to ask permission for almost everything I do. It doesn`t seem fair sometimes but I anyway love my parents very much and I think they are the kindest in the whole world.most important thing for teenagers is school. In fact, school is a model of the real life, the place, where kids learn not only how to square numbers or write correctly, but how to communicate with absolutely different people. At school children have to contact with their mates and teachers and this experience is what they have when entering the grown-up world.such things as discrimination or intolerance at schools are not unusual. Some students find no common themes to discuss with their classmates; not everybody is interested, for example, in fashion news or modern gadgets. So they escape to their own world and often become outsiders. An incapability to contact with people around can lead to a lot of problems such as depression or neurosis and even they end up with suicide, which nowadays becomes, so to say, a normal way to die. Suicides among teenagers often happen as a result of their failures in private affairs. Although there are a lot of books, magazines and films dwelling on the subject, parting with a girl- or boyfriend can be a serious trouble in the young age. Besides, most teens are maximalists and see things in black and white ... but - who says we must be wise ?! To be a teen means to learn how to live, and it s impossible to make no mistakes on the way. [14]

1.2 Friendship and love

problem that young people face today concerns their relationship with their friends. As far as friendship is concerned, I think that a person can and should have a lot of friends. Чи не/she can be on good terms with the classmates. But at the same time there can be only two or three real friends. I believe that real friends will never betray each other. They will always understand and help each other. I agree that tolerance is the pledge of friendship. It is wonderful if a school friend will remain your friend for the rest of your life. But in this case everything depends on the person.me, a true friend is there for you no matter what. They don t lie to you no matter what. They also keep their promises. Real friends can be a source of self-esteem, affection and good times. In times of despair, for example, true friends will offer hope. The right friends can help someone feel worthwhile. Friends are important to even happy people. We must be aware that real friendship is vital throughout life. But you can quickly discover real and good friends when you are down or when you require their assistance the most. Why? Because a real friend will not desert you when you are down, and will not turn against you in jealousy, for example, when you succeed.often happens that you meet a person and take a shine to them. I m happy to have made some close friends while at school. We met on the day we first when to school and have been together ever after. We have now known each other for many years. We ve spent a lot of time together, going out, visiting various music events, discussing our plans for the future which cemented our friendship. Our best childhood memories are associated with each other. We share the same interests and have a lot in common. If we do something together, it s a child s play. If we ever do something bad to each other, hurt or let down, we always try to make it up. [16] best friend is Yuliya Balbekova, 15 years old. She is funny, kind and beautiful. We are friends since ou childhood because we are cousins ??and neighbors. When we were younger we often fought but now we live in peace. Yulya is a very good friend, she knows and keeps all my secrets. sa pity we are going our separate ways after finishing school. But I hope my friends will be there for me and we ll keep in touch.problem of love is very important for young people. Today they fall in love when they reach the age of Romeo and Juliet. Romanticism and idealism very often accompany the love of the young. They can love deeply and passionately, they believe that their love will last forever. Unfortunately, often their hearts are broken. Young people are not always ready to have stable relations. In many cases they are too young and inexperienced to begin a family life. They have to continue their education, while family obligations will force them to make money. At the same time without good education it is not easy to find a good job.

1.3 Getting education

famous proverb says: «Knowledge is power». Education makes a great figure in our society. It is handed down from generation to generation and involves different facts, experience and informat...

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