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Реферат Legal infantility as the factor of negative influence on the level of sense of justice in Russia

ussian Federation raquo ;. The Constitutional Court has also terminated proceedings on the complaints of the citizens V. Grishkevich and other citizens concerning constitutionality of the regulations of the law about an opportunity of dismissal of head of the subject of the Russian Federation by the President and dissolution by the President of the Legislative Assembly of the subject [2]. , According to special opinion of Judge A. Kononov arguments of judges of the Constitutional Court can not convince - at all their evidence that they do not completely correspond to reality. The Constitutional Court does not explain which is right and which is wrong raquo ;. [3].. Kononov expresses the same opinion as the well-known German constitutionalist Otto Ljuhterhant according to whom illegality of the given law is so clear, that it is clear even to a common person [4]. the given context of the problem it is necessary to suggest the state to introduce into common sense of justice of the population the opportunity of such discrepancy. Then no illusions and unjustified expectations would appear. , Absence in Russia of precise and transparent system of execution of laws. Undoubtedly, in Russia there exists no precise execution of laws, real introduction into life new legal norms, and the population does not understand the real sense of functioning of the legislative branch of power. of the Federal Law No. 122 About monetary privileges has caused huge resonance in the society. Legal norms expressed in the given act, have been realized with completely another contents. According to the Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma on labour and social policy, A. Isaev, the people s anger has been caused not by the monetary law itself but by its realization which appeared loosing raquo ;. According to A. Isaev the Cabinet of Ministers has started realization of the law having no schedules, no circuit of realization, and no necessary sublawful acts. It has led to the serious social intensity [5]. , Antagonism of the person and the state, complete discrepancy of their interests. It is necessary to note, that complete concurrence of interests of the state and the person, the same as complete concurrence of public and private interests is impossible. However, for interaction these two subjects of law should find the certain things in common. to P.A. Ol, individual and social are different things, but they exist in unity and mutually determine and condition each other. The level of development of one of them is in direct dependence on the level of development of the other, hence, denying or belittling of the one means denying and belittling of the other [6]. for reduction of legal infantilism of the population depends on the state which for overcoming of the given deviation should solve 2 tasks:

. Formation of trust of the citizens to the power.

. The state should give the citizens an opportunity of reception qualitative legal knowledge. In +2004 ROMIR Monitoring carried out sociological inquiry on knowledge by the citizens of Constitution of the Russian Federation. As a result it was found out, that about 60%, ie the majority of the Russians, do not know, when the current Constitution of the country was adopted. wrong answer to the question about the date of adoption of Constitution of Russia was given by 24%, 16% of the citizens inquired answered correctly. In comparison with the data of the previous year the number of the citizens who answered correctly reduced to 5%, the number of the citizens who did not know the year of adoption of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation increased to 5%. The citizens who gave incorrect answer kept positions. the citizens were asked a question at what measure they know the current Constitution. Answers to it are the following: 35% are familiar in general raquo ;, 35% - poorly familiar raquo ;, 21% - do not know, 7% - well familiar, 2% - know completely. In total there have been interrogated 1, 600 Russians from the age of 18 [7]. is possible to offer the following ways of decision of the given tasks:

. Development of the general system and strategy of reforming of the state. of precisely formulated program of development of the state for the citizens to be clear what tasks the state puts for decision and definition of the goals of the state. present the authority informs only about the nearest reforms, but the state has no general strategy of reforming those results in separation of the given actions and misunderstanding of their essence among the population.

. Detailed explanation to the population of the forthcoming reforms. introduction into life of any innovations the authority should in detail inform the citizens about the forthcoming reforms to avoid unjustified expectations and undermining of trust of the citizens....

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