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Реферат Legal infantility as the factor of negative influence on the level of sense of justice in Russia

. Perfection of quality of teaching of legal disciplines at schools, secondary educational establishments, higher educational establishments. believe that legal education of teens should contain eradication of legal infantilism. to Michael Butorin: Not more than five percent of the interrogated have got acquainted Constitution. It means that teaching of fundamentals of legislation in educational establishments is poor. And it can explain the fact that the majority of school leavers is confident, that the Constitution guarantees them the right to labour. And very few are aware, that the given article has absolutely different contents, namely: that labour is free [8]. of law should be got from childhood, with the help of both family, and school education since it is the necessary component of the comprehensively advanced person. The fact is that even in ancient Rome, during development of republican and democratic power, elementary legal education, was a part of general education. At that time the way of life in ancient Rome required general knowledge of all and every one of elementary regulations of the law: the whole nation participated in political life, the whole nation discussed and decided legislative questions [9]. , Both the family and school play a great role in the legal education of the person, in overcoming of such deformation as legal infantilism, but it is not one-way traffic raquo ;. The state should actively participate in this process. Because when teens come into real life they face illegality.

. Introduction of obligatory examination for all state and municipal officials of knowledge of Constitution of the Russian Federation and fundamental rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen. , All officials should know fundamentals of the legislation to require it from common citizens.

It is not surprising that anyone does not know what Constitution in general is. We remember that the famous producer Stanislav Govorukhin in one of his interview to journalists for a long time could not recollect what the status of our country is and what name it bears. And he is a deputy, but not an ice-cream dealer [10]. infantilism lawful constitution

. Propagation in mass media of legislative behaviour. of sense of justice directly depends on decrease of the level of legal infantilism of the citizens of Russia. At the given stage the state does not pay attention to the given problem. We think, that the state is not still interested in educated, competent and initiative citizens, knowing their rights and freedoms and capable to protect them. the new constitution of Serbia/several months later when the state independence of Serbia was proclaimed, the National Skupshchina (the elective representative body of the government in Serbia) solemnly proclaimed the New Constitution on November 8, 2 006, on St. Dmitry Day.

. The previous Constitution of Serbia was proclaimed in 1903 (103 years ago), and lost force in 1 918 (88 years ago) after creation of the first south Slavonic state - the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. At that time the Kingdom of Serbia as the south Slavonic Piedmont, built the statehood in the basis of the first joint south Slavonic state, refusing from the state independence, internationally recognized at the Berlin Congress in 1878. For the period of 88 years Serbia existed in various, unfortunately, unsuccessful forms of statehood: first as the kingdom, then as the communist republic, and, at last, as the fragile state union with Montenegro, and finally desintegrated on May, 21, 2 006, as a result of separation of Montenegro. Thus, Serbia has been simply compelled to proclaim the state independence. , It was unexpected and striking action of exclusive conclusion of agreements and consensus of all parliamentary parties concerning adoption of the new Constitution. The fact is that for six years there have continued failures and creation of obstacles for adoption of the new Constitution proceeded, and mainly within the framework of the democratic block. in April, 2004 it was possible to come to the basic agreement of all parliamentary parties that it was time to start to adoption of the new Constitution, according to the procedure confirmed by the current Constitution. Then both the Government and the President of the Republic presented the projects of the Constitution to the National Skupshchina. Conceptually they appeared very much similar if not to take into consideration some facts, considerably apart from each other and concerning first of all the status of autonomous regions (ie - Voevodino) and to definition of Serbia as the state. And then in the work of the Committee on questions of the Constitution of the National Skupshchina there has come long-term stagnation, because of various kinds of obstructions and for ...

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