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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

go up; 2. To appear1. The prices are coming up again. 2. This information came up during the meeting. His name came up during our conversation. I «ll tell you if anything good comes up.1. підвищуватися; 2. Виникнути, появітьсяcome up to someone - to come closer to someoneHe came up to me and asked my name.подойті до кого-тоcome up with something - to think up and suggest (an idea, a plan) Tom came up with a brilliant idea.прідумать і запропонувати (ідею, план) go ahead - to go forward; to proceed with something; to start (speaking) You go ahead, I »ll join you later. The director allowed him to go ahead with his plan of changes. Go ahead, everyone is waiting for you to start.ідті вперед; продовжити щось; почати (говорити) go along (the road, street) - to go down (the road, street) He went along Maple Street to the center.ідті уздовж, по уліцеgo away - to leaveDon «t go away, please wait here.уйтіgo back - to return (to some place, state, etc.) He went back to his hometown. Go back 3 pages. Go back to sleep.вернуться (до якогось місця, станом і т.д.) go back on (one »s word, promise) - to fail to fulfill a promiseHe promised he would help, but then he went back on his word.нарушіть своє слово, обещаніеgo by someone or something - 1. to go past; 2. Go by bus, train - to travel by bus, train; 3. Go by the name - to pass by the name1. She went by me without saying hello. I went by the park and the church. 2. He always goes to work by train. 3. He goes by the name Smith.1. пройти повз; 2. Їздити якимось транспортом; 3. Жити під іменемgo by - to pass (about time) Years go by, people get older.ідті, проходити (про час) go down - to become lower, to fallThe prices never go down. His temperature is going down. The sun will go down soon. He went down with pneumonia. Our sales have been going down for a long time.сніжаться, опускатися, падатьgo down (the stairs, road) - 1. To descend; 2. To go along the road1. He went down the stairs to the train platform. 2. Go down this street and turn left at the bank.1. спускатися по (сходинках); 2. Йти вздовж, по уліцеgo for something - 1. To go and do something; 2. To make an attempt at something; 3. To favor someone or something1. Let «s go for a walk. Let »s go for a drive. 2. He decided to go for the tournament. Go for it! 3. I «d go for Candidate # 2. I don »t go for this plan.1. піти робити щось; 2. Пробувати себе в чомусь; 3. Віддавати перевагу, вибирати когось, що-тоgo in - to enter, come inThe door was open, so he went in. войтіgo into something - 1. to enter; 2. To examine in detail1. He went into that building. 2. I can «t go into your report now.1. увійти; 2. Детально вивчити або обсудітьgo off - 1. To give a sudden loud sound (about an alarm clock, car alarm); 2. To be switched off (about light, electricity) 1. The alarm clock went off at 6 o »clock. 2. The power went off again yesterday.1. спрацювати (про будильник, сигналізації); 2. Відключитися (про світло, електриці) go on - to continueGo on reading. Please go on.продолжать (робити щось) go out - to go outside; to go outside for entertainmentHe went out to get a newspaper. Jim and Mary went out yesterday, they went to a restaurant. They don «t go out often.вийті назовні; вийти в місто, відвідати місця розваг (кіно, театр, ресторан) go over something - 1. to review, to look over something; 2. To examine something1. Go over these chapters again. 2. I need time to go over your re...

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