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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

port.1. перечитати, переглянути; 2. Розглянути що-тоgo through - to be accepted, approved or completedThe deal went through. His plan will never go through. He will never go through with his plan.бить прийнятим, схваленим або виполненнимgo through something - 1. To pass through something; 2. To live through something; 3. To look through something1. The refrigerator won »t go through this narrow door. She went through the park. 2. He «s gone through a lot of suffering. 3. Go through these chapters again.1. пройти крізь, через щось; 2. Пережити щось; 3. Переглянути що-тоgo to (some place) - to reach, visit, attend, travel to (some place) Go to bed. Go to page 9. He went to the bank yesterday. He went to Rome last month. Her son goes to law school. I have to go to work now. Does this bus go to the center? Піти, відвідати, поїхати кудись, в якийсь местоgo together - 1. To match; 2. To accompany; 3. To date someone1. This scarf and this dress don »t go together. 2. Kindness and generosity often go together. 3. Tom and Liz have been going together for a year.1. підходити один одному; 2. Супроводжувати; 3. Зустрічатися (про чоловіка і жінку) go up - 1. To rise; 2. To climb (the stairs, the hill) 1. The prices have gone up again. His temperature is going up. 2. He went up the stairs to his room. He went up the hill quickly.1. підніматися; 2. Підійматися по чомусь, на що-тоgo with something or someone - 1. To match; 2. To accompany; 3. To date someone1. This scarf doesn «t go with this dress. Apples go with cheese. 2. I »ll go with you to the store. 3. Tom went with Gina before he met Liz.1. підходити один одному; 2. Супроводжувати; 3. Зустрічатися (про чоловіка і жінку)

Come about: come about: to happen or start to exist? The discovery of penicillin came about entirely by chance. When did life begin on Earth, and how did it come about? Across: 1come across sth / sb: to find something or meet someone by chance? I came across her son «s diary while she was tidying his room. 2 come across sth: to experience a particular type of problem, situation etc?/Expect you »ll come across all sorts of difficulties, but it« s still worth trying.3come across: to seem to be a particular type of person or thing. Come across as (being) sth? He comes across as being rather arrogant, come across well / badly (= make people have a good or bad opinion of you)? I »m sure she« s an excellent politician, but she comes across badly on television. 4 come across: to be made clear or understood? what comes across very strongly in her letters is her wonderful sense of humor.along - come along: to go somewhere with someone? We »re going to watch the football-do you want to comealong? 2come along: if something new such as a job or an opportunity comes along, it becomes available for you This job came along just at the right time. come along: to arrive or appear somewhere? The police eventually came along and took the man away.

Be coming along: to be making good progress? The doctor said that Richard was coming along nicely and would be able to go home on Friday. 4 Come along!: Used to tell someone to hurry or make more effort? Come along, girls! We «ll be late if we don» t go now.

Come apart - 1 come apart: to fail completely? The peace agreement seemed to be coming apart, come apart at the seams (= used to emphasize that something is likely t...

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