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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

ase come in and take a seat.войтіcome into something - to enter (some place, position, state) Mary came into the room. He came into fortune when his aunt died. The military came into power in 1978. The law came into effect last month.войті в (якесь місце, положення, силу, стан) come off - 1. To become detached (about buttons, handles, etc.); 2. To remove (stains); 3. To end successfully1. Two buttons came off my coat in a crowded subway car and I lost them. 2. I don »t think these coffee stains will come off. 3. His plan didn «t come off. Our dinner party came off nicely.1. відвалитися, відірватися (про гудзиках, ручках); 2. Зійти (про плями); 3. Закінчитися вдало, удатьсяcome off it - (slang) stop kidding, lying, behaving in a foolish mannerOh, come off it, stop telling me tales. Come off it, give me a break! (Сленг) заклик припинити розігрувати, придурюється, брехати: Припиніть це!/Перестаньте! Come on - 1. Hurry!/Let »s go! 2. Oh stop it!/Come off it! 1. Come on, let «s go, we» re already late! 2. Oh, come on! Give me a break! 1. Давай!/Пішли! 2. Перестаньте! Так я вам і повірив! Come out - 1. To go out; 2. To be published (about a book); 3. To become known (about information, facts, secrets); 4. To result, to end in some way1. The door opened and Jim came out. 2. His new book came out last month. 3. The truth will come out one day. 4. I was serious, but my words came out as a joke. His plan didn «t come out well.1. вийти (з якогось місця); 2. Вийти (про книгу); 3. Стати відомим (про інформацію, фактах, секретах); 4. Закінчитися якимось результатомcome out of something - 1. To go out of (some place); 2. To result in something1. The door opened and Jim came out of the room. 2. I don »t know what will come out of this.1. вийти з (якогось місця); 2. Закінчитися якимось результатомcome out with (the truth) - to confess, to reveal somethingA year ago he came out with the truth about his role in that scandal.прізнаться, відкрити правдуcome over - to visit informallyCan you come over for dinner on Friday? зайти, заглянути до когось (неофіційно) come through - 1. to appear, to be seen; 2. To complete something difficult successfully, to go on living; 3. To do what is expected or wanted (eg, to help) 1. His ignorance of these important facts came through at the interview. 2. He was between life and death for some time, but he came through. 3. He always comes through for us. Her father came through with a nice check.1. з'явитися, проявитися; 2. Успішно завершити, пережити щось; 3. Зробити очікуване або бажане (напр., допомогти) come through something - 1. To appear, to be seen through something; 2. To complete something difficult successfully, to live through something1. The sun came through the clouds. 2. He was between life and death for some time, but he came through the operation successfully.1. з'явитися, проявитися крізь щось; 2. Успішно завершити, пережити що-тоcome to - to regain consciousnessShe fainted, but came to very quickly.прійті в себе (після непритомності) come to something - to reach (some place, result, position, state) She came to Moscow yesterday . The bill comes to $ 50. The struggle came to an end in July. The military came to power in 1978. He fainted, but quickly came to himself / to his senses. I came to the conclusion that I wanted a different job. It came to me that I had seen him before.прійті до (якогось місця, результату, положенню, станом) come up - 1. To...

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