Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Пасивний стан англійської та узбецької мов

Реферат Пасивний стан англійської та узбецької мов

iron and tin.

. The winner of the race hasn t been announcing yet.

. If you are interesting in modern art, you should see the new exhibit at the museum. It is fascinated.

. Progress is being made every day.

. When and where has the automobile invented?

. My brother and I have always been interesting in learning more about our family tree.

. I am not agree with you, I don t think you ll ever to convince me.

. Each assembly kit is accompany by detailed instructions.

. Arthur was giving an award by the city for all of his efforts in crime prevention.

. It was late, and I was getting very worry about my mother.

. The problem was very puzzled. I couldn t figure it out.

11) Діалоги

Цей тип вправ є одним з найпопулярніших видів, так як питання спонукає до мовної реакції. Іншими словами можна сказати що, всякий питання потребує відповіді, в результаті ми можемо бачити появу комунікації серед студентів. Вправи можуть проводитися з усією групою, в парній роботі, в міні групах. Ще можна робити по-іншому, студенти повинні переводить діалог з узбецького на англійську, або навпаки, звертаючи увагу на вживання пасивного стану.

Speaker A: Your book is open. Give the first cue to Speaker B.

Speaker B: Your book is closed. Change the cue to a passive sentence.

Speaker A: Give the second cue, a question.

Speaker C: Your book is closed.

Examples: A: ( book open ): Someone stole your watch.

Speaker B: (book closed): My watch was stolen

Speaker A: ( book open ): What happened to (....) s watch?

Speaker B: (book closed): It was stolen

Speaker A: ( book open ): People speak Arabic in many countries.

Speaker B: (book closed): Arabic is spoken in many countries.

Speaker A: ( book open ): Is Arabic common language?

Speaker B: (book closed): Yes it is spoken in many countries.

. 1 st cue: Someone stole your pen.

nd cue: What happened to (...) s pen?

. 1 st cue: People speak Spanish in many countries.

nd cue: Is Spanish a common language?

. 1 st cue: People say soccer in many countries.

nd cue: Is soccer a popular sport?

. 1 st cue: Mark Twain wrote that book.

nd cue: Who is the author of that book?

. 1 st cue: You went to a movie last night, but it bored you.

nd cue: Why did (...) leave the movie before it ended?

. 1 st cue: Someone returned your letter.

nd cue: (...) sent a letter last week, but he she put the wrong address on it....

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