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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Пасивний стан англійської та узбецької мов

Реферат Пасивний стан англійської та узбецької мов

What happened to that letter?

. 1 st cue: Someone established this school in 1950.

nd cue: How long has this school been existence?

Скласти діалог, вживаючи пасивний стан і модальні дієслова. Треба працювати парами.

1. Should have been changed.

. Must be submitted.

. Ought to have been told.

. Could have been damaged.

. Will be announced.

. May be required.

. Must have been surprised.

. Had better be sent.

. Is / are supposed to be worn.

. Can t be estimated.

12) Переказ включає в себе такі стадії, як сприйняття тексту, утримання його в пам'яті і саме викладу. Перекажіть детально, стисло вибірково, використовуючи пасивний залог.Oscars

The Academy Awards are given out every year to recognize outstanding work of movie actors, directors and other who are part of the movie making industry. These awards, called Oscars, are presented in a formal ceremony in Hollywood in the spring. Several people are nominated in specific categories, such as Best Movie, Best Actor, Best Music, best Costumes. One person is chosen to receive an award. The winner s name is placed in a sealed envelope, and the envelope is not opened until the night of the ceremony. In the weeks before the ceremony, movie reviewers make predictions about which movies and actors will be picked , but the winners names are not known ahead of time.the awards ceremony started in 1927, 15 awards were presented and the ceremony was attended by only 250 people. Anyone who can afford a ticket could attend. Today about two dozen Oscars are presented . Tickets are no longer sold to the general public; invitations are only sent to people involved in making the movies and to their guests. Today the awards are presented in a 6,000 - seat auditorium. An even bigger auditorium is being built .1952, Oscar night has been televised and broadcast in the US as well as in hundreds of other countries. This show is seen by hundreds of millions of people. Viewers watch as their favorite movie stars arrive looking beautiful and hopeful.the winner s name is announced , he or she comes to the stage to receive the awards and thank everyone who helped make winning possible. The ceremony is very long. In fact, in 1997 the ceremony lasted longer than the movie that won the most awards Titanic.

Ці вправи грунтуються на сприймаються зором матеріалах, які вимагають словесного опису іноземною мовою.

Описові вправи відносяться до комунікативних вправ, тому, що візуальний матеріал дає основу для творчості, висловлюва...

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