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Реферат A contrastive analysis of consonants of English and Turkish languages

it is easier to pronounce and in Turkish the spelling must reflect this change for the rules of phonetics to operate. and Soft Letter Equivalents

p equivalent to bf equivalent to v

з equivalent to сs no equivalent-equivalent to ds no equivalent -

до equivalent to gh no equivalent-last three - s, 5, h - do not have a unvoiced form, as they are not voiced consonants, but they do affect the added suffix as they are considered as hard consonants: - delicious - becomes - nefistir - it is (certainly) delicious - not nefisdir. sabah - morning - becomes - sabahtan - from morning - not sabahdan gunes - sun - becomes - gunesten - from the sun - not gunesden.-k terminates a word it nearly always changes to soft-g when suffixes beginning in a vowel are affixed to that word. The exceptions where no change is made are very few and will not be discussed here.ending in-K change to-G-when a vowel is addedConsonant Mutation Examples

kopek - dog kopegim - my dog-leg bacagin - your leg-ankle topugu - his ankle-wrist bilegimiz - our wrists? zluk - spectacles g? zlugunuz - your spectacles

durak - bus stopduraga - to the bus stop-will seegorecegim - 1 shall see

yaptik - we did yaptigimiz - that which we did-glass (tumbler) bardagi - his glassconsonant change from-k to soft-g-when adding suffixes is the most widespread mainly because so many Turkish words end in a terminal-kthe word ends in-nk. Then the terminal-k changes directly to a hard-g as it is totally impossible to utter the letter cluster-ng plus an added vowel. Examples where terminal-nk changes to-ng when adding a vowel

denk - bale, equation becomesdengim - my bale

ahenk - harmony, accordbecomesahengi - its harmony

kepenk - shutterbecomeskepenginiz - your shutter

renk - color becomesrengimiz - our colourof the other consonants which change to their soft form in similar fashion are as follows:

-p changes to-b in front of suffixed vowels

c changes to-c in front of suffixed vowels

t changes to-d in front of suffixed vowelsExamples of Consonant Change Further Consonant Mutation Examples-book kitabin - your book-advice ogudiim - my advice

tat - tastetadi - its taste

ilac-medicine ilaci - his medicine-tree agacin - the tree'sgeneral rule is that single syllable words do not soften their final hard consonants in line with the general rule, hence: Hard Roots - Single Syllable Words

ак - whiteaki - the white / his white-horseati - the horse / his horse-additioneki - the addition / its addition-meateti - the meat / his, her, its meat-migrationgocu - the migration- ropeipi - rope

kac?- How many? kacinci?- Which one?

kok - rootkokii - the root / its root-arrowoku - the arrow / his arrow-grassotu - the grass / its grass-hairsagi - the hair / his, her hair-handlesapi - the handle / its handle-faultsucu - the fault / his, her, its fault-milksutij - the milk / his, her its milk-threeiicu - the three / trioof course there are some exceptions to this rule where a single syllable word does take on its soft form when adding a vowel suffix: Soft R...

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