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Реферат Homonyms in Modern English

sidered to be indicative of polysemy. It is also suggested that the semantic connection may be described in terms of such features as, eg, form and function (cf. horn of an animal and horn as an instrument), process and result (to run-'move with quick steps' and a run-act of running). more objective criterion of distribution suggested by some linguists is criteria: undoubtedly helpful, but mainly increase-distribution of lexico - grammatical and grammatical homonymy. In the homonymic pair paper n-(to) paper v the noun may be decided by the article and followed by a verb; (to) paper can never be found in identical distribution. This formal criterion can be used to discriminate not only lexico-grammatical but also grammatical homonyms, but it often fails the linguists in cases of lexical homonymy, not differentiated by means of spelling. Some linguists hold that the basic and elementary units at the semantic level of language are the lexico-semantic variants of the word, ie individual word-meanings. In that case, naturally, we can speak only of homonymy of individual lexico-semantic variants, as polysemy is by definition, at least on the synchronic plane, the co-existence of several meanings in the semantic structure of the word. The criticism of this viewpoint cannot be discussed within the framework different semantic structure. The problem of homonymy is mainly the problem of differentiation between two different semantic structures of identically sounding words.

. Homonymy of words and homonymy of individual word-forms may be regarded as full and partial homonymy. Cases of full homonymy are generally observed in words belonging to the same part of speech. Partial homonymy is usually to be found in word-forms of different parts of speech. p align="justify">. Homonymous words and word-forms may be classified by the type of meaning that serves to differentiate between identical sound-forms. Lexical homonyms differ in lexical meaning, lexico-grammatical in both lexical and grammatical meaning, whereas grammatical homonyms are those that differ in grammatical meaning only. p align="justify">. Lexico-grammatical homonyms are not homogeneous. Homonyms arising from conversion have some related lexical meanings in their semantic structure. Though some individual meanings may be related the whole of the semantic structure of homonyms is essentially different. p align="justify">. If the graphic form of homonyms is taken into account, they are classified on the basis of the three aspects - sound-form, graphic form and meaning - into three big groups: homographs (identical graphic form), homophones (identical sound-form) and perfect homonyms (identical sound-and graphic form).

. The two main sources of homonymy are:

) diverging meaning development of one polysemantic word, and

) convergent sound d...

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