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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

Реферат Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

simple only in devil, if such a place can exist. Marital status, birthplace. People living on Sakhalin don t like to talk many of them do not pull, but there were also those who was not averse to a chat, to tell local legends and stories And then one day I came across Aina. His name was Nagayya, he lived among the convicts, spoke the Russian bad, but understandable. I decided to find out from him about his tribe .: My tribe used to live not far from here. Previously, when there were no fallen, we called white in such a way, we live in harmony, we listened to the Nature and Nature loved us gave us food. We used only what land gave us and we know nothing about your civilization. But when first white people came to our Nigiry, you call it Sakhalin everything has changed. You have brought here different things; you have brought here a drink which change the mind. It made us do different thing to kill to steal, we couldn t hear Nature any more, the forest became angry because you started to cut trees it stopped to feed us. Some of us died some of them left for the forest and I started to live with your settlers. I have where to live where to sleep, what to drink but I m ??not a part of this island any more, I don t feel it s movement, I m not Ainu anymore I have betrayed my tribe my land.

Teller: This island has changed a lot of destinies. It is terrible and beautiful in its own way Beautiful nature, a dense forest, rich in fish sea. But when God created Sakhalin the last thing he thought about was Sakhalin. Hard climate, frequent rains, harsh winters. This place deserves to be called the worst exile

When my journey was not far from the end, I came across one lady. She seemed familiar to me. Her face spoke about her former beauty. Then my man told me it was Sonka the Golden Hand. I could not believe my eyes and realized that it's really diabolical place. Because it is impossible to change a person so much in just a year. This beauty, which brings to mind all the men turned into a worn-out old woman: gaunt and haggard. All that remains of the old Sonya, - soft, expressive eyes, which might lie well .: How did you get here ?: What do you need it for. People don t like to talk here it is not a resort, it is link here .: I m not asking too much. I just what to know how such a lady could get here.

Sonka: just looked at your ears all over Russia .Robbed half of the officials, but I m ??not differ from them too much, I took that was not mine, but they are the same, I just once wasn t able to escape.

Previously, I was beautiful, charming, but there is nothing left I turned into an old woman, time doesn t spare even if you are a woman. Do you think it was easier for me here? The fact I ma woman didn t help me to make my life easier I m just a. delinquent But I did not give up struggling to Sakhalin, tried to escape. I was flogged, and flogged in the most cruel way, but I did not break. I m Sonka Golden Hand.:After these words, she straightened and became even higher, and in ger eyes I saw a flash, just for a moment, of burning desire to live and she wandered in the direction of the shaft.

So it was the end of my journey it was high time to go home. Sakhalin also left a scar on my soul a scar of horror and sadness.Returning home I could not forget this hell on the earth for a long time. And also I couldn t forget the word of the doctor I d met at the first day of my trip: It's damned land

Домашнє завдання: підготовка до тесту за темою «Історія освоєння острова Сахалін»

Методичні коментарі:

Лекцію слід розділити на два заняття. Після кожного заняття лекцію потрібно розібрати і перевести з учнями. Також перед заняттям бажано роздрукувати матеріал з перекладом незнайомих слів. На даному занятті може бути використаний будь-який інший матеріал, що містить в собі інформацію про розвиток острова під час каторги, етапи освоєння острова каторжанами, про життя і тяготи каторжан. Лекцію варто закріпити обговоренням, виявленням

У структурі рольової гри прийнято виділяти такі компоненти: ролі, вихідна ситуація, рольові дії.

Перший компонент - ролі. Ролі, які виконують учні на уроці, можуть бути соціальними і міжособистісними.

Підбір ролей повинен здійснюватися таким чином, щоб формувати у школярів активну життєву позицію, кращі людські якості особистості: почуття колективізму, взаємодопомоги та взаємовиручки і т. п.

Другий компонент рольової гри - вихідна ситуація - виступає як спосіб її організації. При всьому розмаїтті визначення поняття ситуації ми виходимо з того, що при створенні ситуації необхідно враховувати й обставини реальної дійсності, і взаємини комунікантів.

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