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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

Реферат Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

nted with the life of the settlers and punitive, he made a census of the population of Sakhalin. «I have traveled all the settlements, came all the huts, getting up every day at five o'clock in the morning and every day was a strong strain of thought, that much remains to be done.» Chekhov brought a whole box of stuff every convict, about 10,000 statistical cards and a lot of stuff. from the island «Sakhalin Island» is not the first treatment in the history of Russian literature about hidden life of the people who were forced in prison, exile, hard labor. Before and after the writers turned to the literature, we have to put it in modern language, call the camp. But Sakhalin Island is a special place here. Anton worked on the island as a researcher, physician, a sociologist.

Наступним блоком даної теми слід рольова гра «Chekhov on the Sakhalin island» heroes: the Golden Handof the settlementIgnatevich: The story is about Chekhov s travel to the Sakhalin, he went around all settlements of Sakhalin meet different peoplepersonally went around the houses and filled thousands of census cards. These cards are still kept. It is a strong evidence of extreme poverty, illiteracy and barbarism of residents. So the triр .: ... began with the arrival in the most eastern city of our country Nikolaevsk. The first thing I saw came down to the wharf - heartrending suffering and sorrow, which was permeated the air. Terrible poverty that struck me. And I met a ragged boy, Petka .: Hello, you are wearing strange we don t wear such closes here. You would rather to wear smth more simple, people are angry and cruel here if they see you are rich they will stop you to the skin .: Thank you for your advice. But you d better tell me how you have gotten to this island: I was born here when my father was exiled for betraying the fatherland, the mother followed him, and if she stayed she wouldn t have been able to feed herself. But she often said that she would rather to stay it would have been not so hard to die. There is no way than death .: But how do you live?:Well my father is constantly on mine, my mother and I in the garden. But the soil is dry here, almost nothing is growing, and may be the only way is to eat the ground. There is a tribe not far from here the only reason we are still alive till we have something to exchange to fish and meat .: The next day I began the census. All day I walked from house to house and more and more was amazed at how people can survive when they are surrounded by dire poverty the day was drawing to an end. I came into the house of the commander of the settlement, his house was significantly different from the others, it was even a kind of luxury. He dined with impurity doctor and invited me to the table. Over lunch was served soup, chicken and ice cream.:When it usually stop snowing here ?: In May: not true, in June

Commander: I know settler who had a good harvest of wheat this year

Doctor: It s not true. Your Sakhalin makes nothing. The Cursed Land .: It s not so bad here .: Do not believe it, he paints in front of you: At the dinner I was told a legend: when the Russian occupied the island and then began to insult native tribes one shaman cursed Sakhalin and predicted that it would come out of no avail .: And so it happened .: The next day I went to there Vladimirovka settlement where I met Michael Ignatyevich he was one of the first who had arrived on the island in 1 879 he was a free settler who had decided to stay .: Tell me how did you live, first settlers? Ignat'evich: It was really hard. When it was described, it seemed, a new life would begin they promiss to give us houses, land, promise to help to cultivate it to feed us for the first time. So 30 people decided to start promised new life in a wonderful place. When we arrived we had to make our way through the forest with hands we were surrounded by the forest. We built houses try to handle the land, aimlessly. The land here is dead. Reports that were sent tothe capital were cheerful: colonization is successful, the land here is fertile and proceed to the development of the island. We are simple peasants, we have no rights to speak and no way to escape ocean from the one hand forest from the other. Only two ways: to die or to survive. Some were managed to flee others to die, there were time when it seemed we were forgotten but then they started to send convicts, at first it was much easier but then as it was before. Then most of those who was to survive sailed back: But why did you stay? Ignatevich: I haven t anything there may be it is my destiny to die on this damn island

Teller: My journey lasted long I met different people some of them just didn t trust me others made no secret of aggression. I asked the usual questions like name surname age, what kind of faith, the anser to this question was...

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