directly by the people.Federal assembly represents the legislative branch of power.has two houses: Federation Council and the Duma.Federal Government represents the executive branch of power. It consists of the Chairman of the Government and MinistersPresident.President guaranties the basic rights of the citizenscan dissolve the Duma.President is involved in the work of the executive branch.President can veto laws passed by the Federal assembly.President appoints of the Chairman of the Government. The Duma must approve his appointment.Federal assembly can pass the laws over the President veto by a two- third majority. The Federal assembly is elected by the people.Judicial power is represented by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. It is the highest judicial body.
The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation can declare acts and laws unconstitutional.
До якої Політичній системі належить Росія?
президент глава держави і обраний безпосередньо людьми.
федеральні збори представляє законодавчу владу влади.
Існує 2 палати:
Рада Федерації і Дума.
Федеральний уряд представляє виконавчу владу.
Воно складається з Голови Уряду і Міністрів.
президент гарантує основні права громадян.
і може розірвати Думу.
президент залучений в роботу виконавчої влади.
президент може накласти вето на закони, прийняті федеральними зборами.
президент призначає Голову Уряду. Дума повинна схвалити його призначення.
федеральні збори може прийняти закони по вето президента дві - третини більшістю. Федеральні збори обрано людьми.
Судова влада представлена ??Верховним Судом Російської Федерації. Це - найвищий судовий орган.
Конституційний Суд Російської Федерації може оголосити закони і неконституційні закони.
. Keys: У колишній будівлі Сенату в Кремлі знаходиться резиденція Президента, Будинок Федерального Уряду знаходиться в будівлі на Краснопресненській набережній.
The former Senate in the Kremlin is now the building where the President works.building on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment belongs to the Federal Government .: WESTERN DEMOCRACIES. ARE THEY DEMOCRATIC ?: What Political System Does Russia Belong To?
Мета: Формування лексичних навичок говоріння
Навчити навичкам аудіювання та монологічного мовлення;
розширення кругозору;
Формування в учнів знань про політичну систему своєї країни.
Мовний матеріал:
продуктивний - to guarantee, to dissolve, a council, a deputy, an assembly, a chairman, basic.
Обладнання: комп'ютер, роздатковий матеріал.
Хід уроку.
TeacherPupilI Оргмомент Good morning boys and girls. Im very glad to see you too. Take your seats, please. How are you today? Who is absent today? What is the date today? What is the day today? Whats the weather like today? How often do you stay at home, because its rainy and cold? What did you do when do you stay at home? Did you watch TV? Did you watch news? What interesting facts can you tell us about policy in the Russia? Ps: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you, Good morning, good morning, we are glad to see you. Ps: We are fine Petrov .... Today is the 26th of September. Today is Monday. P1 .... P2 ... .. II Основна частина I know that you dont interesting in policy, but Politics is part of your lives. Very soon youll turn 18 and youll have to make a choice. Thats why you should interest in politics and know about it. At the previous lessons we discuss a lot about political systems of the UK, the USA, and their presidents. Today we are going to study political system of our country. But before it lets revise what do you know about political system in the USA and UK. Who rules the USA and UK in fact? Is the head of state elected directly by the people in the USA? And in Britain? Which institutions represent the legislative and executive branches of power in the USA and UK? Which officials in the USA are elected and which are appointed? And in Britain? Do you love your native country? What is the official name of our country? Yes, of course, you are right! Russia is our native country. And we love our country, thats why we should be interested in everything, including a policy that is connected with Russia and we should be take part in a life of our country, because we ci...