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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

Реферат Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

enterprises have impact opportunity to create subsidiaries, affiliates, expand their ry knock, turn it in people's Intl.relationship between the level of risk to banks and clients belonging to different types of propertybelonging to different types of property produce whether can be divided into the following us groups - public, private, cooperative in ITATION, stock. The latter two can be compatible (for transnational tional) and Monona n ionalnymi. Depending on the different types of ri with Cove acquire greater or lesser importance in the course of their activities. Objective of the bank is to choose a portfolio of their clients so as to have the most optimal balance between active and passive operas governmental and governmental organizations, to maintain its level of liquidity and cost required to return on to the smooth operation of the level. this purpose it is necessary, in our view, to conduct regular analysis of the level of all types of risks, determine their optimal values?? for each of the district to specifically points and use the full range of ways to manage them.


important component th generation part strategy ri ska is a bit processing measures to reduce or limit Prevention identified risk. In about society, to describe the action of consequence, to minimize financial risk, used the term hedging.is in the development of the main approaches to risk assessment, determination of admissible invertible with its level of development and corresponding sponding strategy is the main cottage and control s ri Scoma.the most common activities on the Board to reduce the department s tion of species at risk.of the main ways to reduce external risks is the selection of the best forms of exercise of their export-import operations us bank or other banking institutions it.practice, the most common are two main forms carried schestvleniya and iCal for External operations :) direct, which can be attributed directly th export-import, carried schestvlenie foreign economic relations through various types of intermediaries and corder or through subsidiaries (banks Cove) and a branch in, Investments n ITATION opera us carried out in this period of business activity hozyays t sponding subject ;) indirect, including the sale and purchase face n diffusion; implementation tion francheyznyh step d; conclusion of those n iches com, management of maintenance and service used, the purchase of new technologies and / or «know-how». These forms of e carried interregional and foreign relations are recommended for banks carried stvlyayuschih its activities in high country, the currency (in their home country and the partner country), credit, port felnogo with ri ka.the impact of these risks on the banking institution is only possible by timely informing each other of changes in circumstances.techniques translational currency risks de divisible by outside of w and internal. They can use in atsya as to define a strategy and tactical programs to develop the activities of banks and bank uchre Well deny.external methods include acceleration or deceleration board Jay in foreign currency as of strange to external customers and counterparties, and in respect to t of monopolistic education authority; regulation boards e Jay between the parent bank and its financial AFFILIATES, selecting a more stable currency otfakturirovaniya n about a hundred wok etc.strategic plan of protection agains...

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