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Реферат A contrastive analysis of consonants of English and Turkish languages

ht together and vibrate. Recommendations. 1. Put the tip of the tongue against the alveolar ridge feeling a firm contact with it.

2. Push the air through the mouth.

[m] is a bilabial nasal sonorant, as in me, summer, seem, comb, autumn; note that may precede mute .

[m] is a labial nasal sonorant, as in mahkeme court, mahvetmek to destroy, mavi blue, the color. [M] occurs in all word positions, spelt «m, mm, mb, mn», eg mean, summer, seam, comb, autumn

[m] is occlusive. nasal, bilabial .. 1. The lips are firmly kept together.

2.The soft palate is lowered and the air goes through the nose.

. The vocal cords vibrate. Recommendation. Press your lips together and push the air through the nose.

[n] is an alveolar nasal sonorant, as in neat, knit, gnaw, snow, dinner, gone, open; note that may be preceded by mute .

[n] is an alveolar nasal sonorant, as in nazil how, namaz prayer, natice result. [N] is occlusive nasal, forelingual, apical, alveolar. .

. The tip of the tongue is pressed against the alveolar ridge.

. The soft palate is lowered and the air escapes through the nose. 3. The vocal cords vibrate. . Put the tip of the tongue against the alveolar ridge and push the air through the nose.


is a relatively strong, or fortis, voiceless bilabial stop. It is usually accompanied by aspiration when initial a stressed syllable, 'as in pin, appear, impatient, play. Initially in an unstressed syllable and finally aspiration is relatively weak, as in polite, upper, lip. When [s] precedes [p] initially in a syllable, there is practically no aspiration, as  in spin.


is a fortis, voiceless labial, plosive, relatively strong stop in Turkish. It is usually accompanied by aspiration when initial stressed syllable, 'as in pahal? expensive. Initially in an unstressed syllable and finally aspiration is relatively weak, as in parmak, finger, patlak, a burst, a puncture.

[r] is a post-alveolar lateral sonorant, as in red, write, tree, mirror, very.

[r] is a alveolar, flap, lateral sonorant, as in rahat peace and quiet, reddetmek to refuse, to reject, resim picture.

[r] is constrictive, medial, forelingual, cacuminal, post-alveolar .. 1. The tip of the tongue is held in a position near to but not touching the back of the alveolar ridge, the front part of the tongue is low and the back is rather high so that the tongue has a curved shape (cacuminal articulation).

The position of the lips is determined by that of the following vowel.

3.The soft palate is raised and the air flows quietly between the tip of the tongue, and the palate.

4. The vocal cords vibrate. 1. Put the tip of the tongue against the back of the alveolar ridge without touching it. If you touch the alveolar ridge with the tip of the tongue there will be a firm contact between them and the resulting sound is [1] but not [r]. Remember that [r] is a purely gliding sound with no sudden change, eg light - right, low - row, lock - rock.

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