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Реферат Contrastive analysis of compound adjectives in English and Ukrainian


In this research work , I clarify mechanism that work in compound adjectives. After this I make a comparative analysis between English and Ukrainian compound adjectives, which leads me to conclude that they are conceptual universal phenomenon, with high communicative and instructive power.

The topicality of the theme is determined by the necessity of description of compound adjectives in the English and the Ukrainian languages ​​in respect of their contrastive analysis, especially within semantic groups which may provide material both for common and terminological dictionaries.

The research object are compound adjectives of the English language of their Ukrainian equivalents picked out from В«Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 2000В» and В« Тлумачний словник української мови В»and other sources.

The research subject is presented by explanation of English compound adjectives and their translation into Ukrainian language.

The aim of my investigation is to analyze compound adjectives in English and Ukrainian taking into account different criteria, compare and contrast the result of investigation in order to discover differences and similarities in their internal structure and meaning, as well as present different methods of contrastive investigation and translation of compound adjectives. Another target of this work is to find out what type of compound adjectives is the most frequent in the modern English and Ukrainian languages.

It is a presumed fact that languages ​​differ greatly in the combinative power of words and peculiarities of their usage as well as ways of word formation. Compounding is essential means of word formation in English. My work is dedicated to contrastive analysis of compounding among adjectives in English and Ukrainian. p align="justify"> 1. Theoretical background of contrastive analysis

.1 Origin of contrastive analysis

study of two languages ​​in contrast, called contrastive analysis, has been referred to by a variety of names, not all of which mean the same to all writers. One can find the following terms use: contrastive studies, contrastive language studies, contrastive linguistics, applied contrastive studies, contrastive description and others. The term contrastive is also used with studies of particular levels and functional areas of the linguistic system, such as contrastive generative grammar and contrastive lexicon, as well as the contrastive pragmalinguistics, contrastive discourse analysis, ...

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