сіб, ведення особистих справ співробітників і збереження їх в базі даних ІС.
Системні вимоги до программно-апаратної середовищі, в якій працює ПЗ:
Архітектура - клієнт-серверна; операційна система - Windows XP і вище; мова програмування C #; сховище даних - MySQL 5.1.40.
розробляється програмний продукт забезпечений методикою розгортання програми.
Тематична база даних з інформаційних джерел - 45 найменувань.
Передбачувані користувачі (Замовника) РІД: організації використовує погодинну систему розрахунку заробітної плати.
The diploma project consists of an introduction, four chapters, conclusions, bibliography, list of abbreviations and applications.the performance of the diploma project was designed and developed a software payroll module.introduction the urgency of the diploma of the selected theme « Development of an automated information system payroll »Payroll« ». Purpose and objectives for their achievement were set and solved.the first section we have analyzed the existing solutions to automate the treated area. Was chosen as the object-oriented design methodology and information system developed use case diagrams. Produced collection, validation and specification requirements.the second section, performed architectural design AIS, database design and user interface design.has been developed for the selected platform Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and DBMS MySQL 5.1.40. As the language of the application is selected C #. Third section was considered the implementation of an information system. It was a description of the classes and methods, code examples, and the basic algorithms providing the program with the selected platform implementation.the technique of interaction with the database application MySQL 5.1.40 with the representation of queries that provide a record and update data from the database.fourth section is devoted to the management information project. This section of the graduation project is defined goal and scope of the developed software. Implemented model selection process lifecycle development. As a model of the development life cycle model AIS is RAD.a list of works of operational structure and, based on the work schedule is built. Also identified and allocated resources for each task. Developed the Gantt chart, clearly showing the duration and sequence of tasks undertaken during the development of the system.efficiency of the AIS, which showed that the implementation of the project feasible.the execution of graduate design used the following software products:
MS Office Visio 2007;
MS Office Project 2007;
MS Visual Studio 2008, C # programming language;
MySQL 5.1.40;
Rational Rose v 7.0.conclusion it is possible to draw a conclusion: the objectives of the work achieved, and the task is executed.result of intellectual activity :: «IT» (In management).: Creating a payroll system (in the example of RTP «Avtoremontnik»). RIA: system, which allows the following functions: payroll system for time-based pay, the report output in the form of a payslip, the calculation of the tax on income of individuals, maintaining personnel files and stores them i...