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Реферат Intonation system of English in the process of historical development

THE MINISTRY OF HIGHER SPECIAL EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTANAblai Khan University of International Relations and World LanguagesFacultyDepartment of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages ​​

paperthe topic:

Intonation system of English in the process of historical development

Done by: Mukhamediyarov SK208adviser: Zhaparova AA




1. Intonation in English

1.1 Intonation: approaches, definitions, functions

1.2 Components of intonation and the structure of English intonation group

1.3 The phonological aspect of intonation

1.4 Two main functions of intonation

1.5 Intonation and linguistics

l.6 Structure and function of intonation

1.7 Pronunciation and intonation achievement factors

2. Intonation as a text - organizing means

2.1 Dynamic approach to rhytmization and intonation phrasing

2.2 Segmental and supersegmental phonology



Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3


Actuality of the problem . Just like Latin was the language meant to gather people as the Roman Empire went on its row of conquests all over Europe and later, during the Enlightenment Period, it was French, at this moment English has this function., As English has become more and more popular, people of all cultures learn and speak the language around the whole world. We should ask ourselves, then, how much English language is influenced by other languages ​​and how much of this influence is acceptable.being English the most spoken language in the world, its pronunciation is many times considered less important than grammar or written comprehension. But it must be remembered that the four main abilities of a language - reading, writing, listening and speaking - have all the same importance. Or even, as history recalls: Register came only after oral communication.the students are taught intonation at the same time that they learn vocabulary or grammar, like it happens when they learn their mother language, it would be easier for them to learn to speak the language naturally. s why I chose this theme for my course paper.are a variety of methods for recording intonation patterns in writing and the advantages and disadvantages of some of the commoner ones. The first three methods reflect variations in pitch only:

1. The ...

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