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Реферат The use of gender with zoonims in English and Uzbek

age is absent, as this category has appeared is partially lost in the course of historical development. At the present stage of development of language it is possible to speak about presence of lexico-semantic value at a gender category.

2. The gender category in English language is traditionally allocated in connection with two phenomena: expression of distinctions of a sex and pronominalno-substantive correlation.

. The patrimonial categorization of animals in English literary fairy tales differs from a traditional patrimonial categorization of animals in language. Uzbek nouns denoting male and female sex are of no grammatical significance in contrast to English and Russian ones. The grammatical significance of English nouns denoting male and female sex is observed when they are replaced by the pronouns he and she: I have a brother. He is a doctor. I have a sister. She is a teacher. Discrepancy of principles of a categorisation in two languages ​​represents typological distinction between two given languages.

. The literary work is closely connected with language system in which it is created. While translating speech should go not only about translating of a literary work from one language system to another, but also from one mental sphere in another where all relations and communications, and also cultural bases are not that, as in the first. While translating zoonims equivalence, and dynamic equivalence which together should participate in creation equivalent under the maintenance and an equal literary work on value on a target language should be considered as denotative.

. The nouns, which gender coincides in two considered languages, represent the most simple case for translating - the translator simply gives available equivalent of this word.

6. At sending on an animal by means of a pronoun the translator keeps a pronoun gender if it keeps a gender of the animal.

The list of used literature

1.Арнольд І.В. Стилістика сучасної англійської мови. Л.: В«ПросвещениеВ», 1973

2.Бархударов Л.С. Нариси з морфології сучасної англійської мови. М.: В«Вища школаВ», 1975

. Бархударов Л.С. Мова і переклад. М., 1975

. Блох М.Я. Теоретична граматика англійської мови: Підручник. - 2-е вид., М.: В«Вища школаВ», 1994

. Бреус Є.В. Основи теорії та практики перекладу з російської мови на англійську. М., 1998

. Бурлакова В.В. В«ДейксисаВ»// В«Спірні питання англійської граматикиВ». Л.: Видавництво ЛДУ, 1988

. Варгина Н.В. В«Займенн...

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