which, pri? r t? th? shift, diff? r? d mainly in quantity, b? gan t? b? c? ntrast? d primarily thr? ugh quality, as [?] and [? u]. Similarly th? diff? r? nc? b? tw ?? n [a] and [a:] was? mphasis? d wh? n [a:] was narr? w? d and was f? ll? w? d by a diphth? ngal glid?.. M? fat [a] and fat? [a:] which b? cam? [f? t] and [f? it]? d [?] and r ?? d [?] which b? cam? [r? d] and [r? ud]. ? n? w qualitativ? diff? r? nc? s b? tw ?? n th? v? w? l ph? n? m? s in a way mad? up f? r th? l? ss? f diff? r? nc? s in quantity which had b ?? n larg? ly d?-ph? n? l? gis? d. Pr? C ?? ding fr? m th? s? g? n? ral c? nsid? rati? ns s? m? auth? rs p? int? ut th? m? r? imm? diat? caus? s? f th? shift within? r? utsid? th? ph? n? l? gical syst? m. It has b ?? n sugg? st? d (A. Martin? t, B. Trnka) that th? Gr? at V? w? l Shift b? gan as? arly th? 12th? R 13th c? nturi? s, wh? n tw? sh? rt v? w? ls [i] and [u] b? cam? m? r? ? p? n and b? gan t? b? c? ntrast? d t? th? l? ng [? :] And [?:], Thus l? aving th? ir f? rm? r c? unt? rparts [i:] and [u:] is? lat? d in th? syst? m? f ph? n? m? s. Th? is? lati? n? f [i:] and [u:] in th? ? th? rwis? balanc? d syst? m? f c? rr? lat? d pairs may hav? stimulat? d th? ir m? dificati? n int? diphth? ngs, - which was th? initial imp? tus that start? d th? shift.
(Th? drawback? f this th?? ry is th? assumpti? n that? v? ry syst? m? f ph? n? m? s in th? languag? must b? abs? lut? ly symm? trical.)? th? r th? ? ry attribut? s th? int? nsificati? n? f chang? s in Lat? M? n? t? nly t? ph? n? l? gical but als? t? m? rph? l? gical fact? rs (V. Pl? tkin). Th? shift may hav? b ?? n stimulat? d by th? l? ss? f th? final [?] in th? 15th c? ntury, which transf? rm? d disyllabic w? rds int? m? n? syllabl? s. Th? diff? r? nc? b? tw ?? n such m? n? syllabic w? rds as M? fat [fat] and fat? [fa: t ?, 'fa: t]? r M? bit and bit? [bit, bi: t ?, bi: t] was n? t suffici? nt. Th? Gr? at V? w? l Shift? mphasis? d this diff? r? nc? by changing th? quality? f th? l? ng v? w? ls and by adding n? w distinctiv? f? atur? s in? rd? r t? maintain th? ? ss? ntial c? ntrasts.must b? c? nclud? d that th? pr? bl? m? f th? Gr? at V? w? l Shift r? mains unr? s? lv? d. If w? tak? int? acc? unt n? t? nly th? d? v? l? pm? nt? f v? w? ls in Standard? nglish, but als? th? v? w? l chang? s in th? l? cal British dial? cts, it will app? ar that th? c? nsist? ncy? f th? chang? s has b ?? n s? m? what? xagg? rat? d. In many dial? cts s? m? v? w? ls w? r? n? t subj? ct? d t? th? Gr? at V? w? l Shift? r w? r? m? difi? d diff? r? ntly. Sinc? th? syst? m? f Standard? nglish has abs? rb? d vari? us dial? ctal f? atur? s at all l? v? ls, w? may surmis? that th? Gr? at V? w? l Shift, which chr? n? l? gically c? incid? s with th? f? rmati? n? f th? nati? n-wid? Standard, was t? a c? rtain? xt? nt m? r? ly a final ch? ic? fr? m dial? ctal variants in pr? nunciati? n acc? pt? d in lit? rary? nglish and r? c? gnis? d as c? rr? ct by grammarians and ph? n? ticians. This ch? Ic? was c? nditi? n? d n? t? nly by intra linguistic syst? mic fact? rs but als? by th? linguistic situati? n,? sp? cially th? r? lati? nship b? tw ?? n th? c? ? xisting vari? ti? s? f th? languag? , Which th? y r? pr? s? nt? d.
11.2 Chang? s? f Sh? rt V? w? ls in? arly N? w? nglish
c? mpar? d t? th? Gr? at V? w? l Shift? th? r v? w? l chang? s? f th? N? p? ri? d s ?? m f? w and insignificant. Y? t, lik? all th? s? und chang? s? f that tim? , Th? y acc? unt f? r th? m? d? rn syst? m? f v? w? ls and clarify c? rtain p? ints in m? d? rn sp? lling. ? sh? rt v? w? ls in? arly N? w? r? ? n th? wh? l? m? r? stabl? than th? l? ng v? w? ls:? nly tw? sh? rt v? w? ls? ut? f fiv? und? rw? nt c? rtain alt? rati? ns: [a] and [u]. ? [a] is r? fl? ct? d as [?] in N? ,?.g. M? that [? at] gt; N? that; M? man [man] gt; N? man. It has b ?? n sugg? st? d, h? w? v? r, that in M? th? s? und [?]? xist? d as w? ll; it was an all? ph? n? ,? R variant? F [a]; b? th all? ph? n? s [a] and [?] w? r? indicat? d by th? l? tt? r a in M?. In that cas? th? d? v? l? pm? nt? f M? [a] in? arly N? was m? r? ly a r? plac? m? nt? f? n? d? minant all? ph? n? by an? th? r, and th? diff? r? nc? b? tw ?? n M? man and N? man was v? ry slight. ? m? r? ? bvi? us chang? ? f th? M? [a] cam? ab? ut wh? n it pr? c? d? d by th? s? miv? w? l [w]; pr? bably und? r th? influ? nc? ? f this labialis? d s? und th? v? w? l d? v? l? p? d an all? ph? n? which finally m? rg? d with th? ph? n? m? [?]:
?? w? s gt;...