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Реферат Formation of Islamic concept of state

fended mundane model Islamic state. However they also did not deny the determining role of the Islam and Islamic law in regulation of all spheres of life of the society, including public-legal.representative of the given concept of the Islamic state is considered Ali Abdeli Razek (1888-1966). Defending the idea of ??the mundane state in its work the Islamic bases of the state he confirmed that the Islam does not provide the concepts of the caliphate in classical and historical sense Ali Abdeli Razek did not only espoused creation of the mundane state, but also confirmed that the Islamic state was, in fact, from the very beginning the mundane state , rather than religious. The natural result of the given thesis was the recognition for the modern Islamic society of the law to create any systems of the power, according to their representations in the former condition [9] .the period of ruling of Osman empire at the beginning of the 15th century there was formed another concept of the state, characterized by implementation of ancient Middle East concepts of the statehood since in the given period the administrative structure in general consisted from the representatives of Iran and Egypt. We should mention Gagil Inaldzhik who mentioned that the osman concept of the state was the continuation of ancient Turkish tradition though basically took their own beginning from the middle east and corresponded to the cardinal principles of Islamic law and state [10] .the border of XIX-XX centuries in the Islamic public-political thought there has occurred the syntheses of pan-Islamic elements of the Osman doctrine and the idea of ??the Arabic caliphate, whose expresser became the Islamic reformer Maksud Rashid Rida (1865-1935). The basic positions of his concepts were stated in work The caliphate or the great Imamate raquo ;. The scientist does not back out of installations of medieval ideologues and lawyers, considering that Islam has created the perfect form of ruling, and the caliph is the shade of the Allah on the land [11] .the beginning of XX century in the majority of Islamic states there prevailed the mundane model of the state. However in the second half of XX century there appeared the trend of reinforcement of the role of the Islam in the public and state life and influence of the Islamic law on the state system of these countries. This was distinctly shown in cardinal changes, existing in such Islamic states, as Pakistan, Iran, Sudan and others. In other words, the question about Islamic ruling - Is not simply reaction on the European secularism and its cultural expansion, or counterweight to liberal-secularist ideological directions in the Islamic world. F.I. Hachim emphasizes that rebirth of the Islam at present can be considered the natural reaction on deep crisis in political, economic and military spheres. And he offers the formula of religious legitimating in counterweight to the western secularism and the principle of social justice in counterweight of economic inequality [12] .to VE Dontsov, in spite of presence of the opposite opinions concerning revising legal and political heritage of the Islam and Islamic law, the future of secularism is not considered rather perceived in the Islamic world though, certainly, at present in the modern political life of the Moslem people there exist powerful undeclared secularist currents [13] .even in such countries, in which in the process of historical development prevailed the model of the mundane state, having forced back the sphere of action of classical Islamic law in the sphere of personal status, there have more and more revealed the claims for correspondence to it of the new legislation, including in the sphere of the state construction. In spite of this, the Islamic concept of the state includes the small quantity of the borrowings from the western law.should comply with conclusions of Abdullah Ahmed An-Naim that unless they espouse the refusal of the Islam, the Shariat will remain extremely important element , forming views and behavior of the Moslim people even it does not become the public law of the country. While the Islamic population continues to link at the level of psychology and private life their own religious beliefs with historical Shariat, Shariat will still influence greatly the nature and policy of the state. Unlikely that the majority of the Moslem people will for ever take secularization of their public life. The more preferred is considered the approach, based on the analysis of the public law of the Shariat and historic experience of the Moslem people, coming from standards, dominated at the times when the Shariat was created and began to be applied, and on searching for possible ways of working out of alternative principle of the Islamic public life, which can be applied in modern conditions [14] .the framework of the Islamic concepts of the state there also appear two different directions of the Islamic und...

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