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Реферат Formation in England

olleges even 57 colleges of skill. Programs for the special schools appeared in England only very recently - in 1993. These programs provide for the intensified study of special objects together with the study of the general education program of secondary schools. All these schools are also state. Among the outlined reforms in the system of public education, the specialization of schools is registered first and foremost. Half of all charter schools of the country the Labor Government is intended to make specialized, with the intensified study of one or several related objects. By 2006 7500 the schools, which train today according to the general routine, they will become the specialized colleges, which prepare personnel for different regions of British industry. The creation of the special schools of the business, where they will prepare future owners, is provided, all this, in addition within the framework of compulsory secondary education. In a word, the present system of the state charter schools, which train the raznosposobnykh and raznoodarennykh children according to one and the same levelling individual program, it will undergo radical reconstruction: abilities and inclinations of student will be set as the chief concern free compulsory education.

7. Private schools

The private schools of Britain are officially named schools independent (Independent of schools). This means that they are independent from the budget and are financed from other sources, koimi in the majority of the cases are the pays, the parents of students or by voluntary particular sponsors. According to statute, the Independent (they pablik) of school is right to train five and more than students at the age, stipulated by law about compulsory education. Similar schools must be registered in the appropriate government department. They are subject to checkings from the side of inspections. In the United Kingdom there are today approximately 2400 private schools, in which are trained 600000 children and adolescents, which comprises 7% of the total number of students of the country. These schools are subdivided into the so-called fundamental schools (Foundation of schools), community-school (Community of schools) and voluntary (Voluntary of schools). About seven thousand community-and voluntary schools they bear religious nature.

Private schools are led by their own control elements, which consist of the school personnel, the parents of students and representatives of local of community. According to positions about the private schools, the leading organ of a similar school must together with the representatives of church, the director of school and by local educational authorities coordinate rules and conditions of method into the school, taking into account the regulation, developed in 1999. p> All private schools are formally opened for the representatives of any religions. However, in practice the large part of the children from Catholic families they learn to the schools, supported by Catholic Church.

The private schools of Britain can be mixed and unisexual (that there is only for the girls, only for the boys), they can be also urban and out-of-town, specialized and general profile, by preparatory (for the children from 7 to 13 years) and the highest step (from 14 to 18), internatnogo type and only day instruction. In the boarding schools, or, as them call, boarding of schools, which in Britain it is counted today into 800, are trained 80 thousand children, which is altogether only one percent of the total number of British schoolboys. Of 7% of studying quotients stake is formed half of all students of British universities. 9 of 10 graduates of private schools obtain the desired university start in life. The difference in the educational standards of the state and independent from the state private school clearly demonstrates the following the number: 11-year age examinations for the preparatory or initial classes successfully pass 90% of studying private schools and only 62% of the schools of state. However, that. however, is determined difference? First of all where stronger materiel of rich private schools, is thoroughly the exacting select sionirovannyy teaching staff, and also difference in school programs. Indeed, besides the financial independence from the state, private schools are independent also in their educational programs, these programs, in contrast to the public schools, do not get down directive on top, but they are developed on the spot, taking into account the special features of this concrete educational institution. In the solid private schools is as a rule, studied considerably more objects, than in the schools of state. Here usually study Greek and Latin, history, skill and religion, classical civilizations and contemporary foreign languages, exact science and applied skill, music, dramaturgy and information texnologies. So in the renowne...

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