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Реферат Examples of modern determinations of culture

examined as very doubtful practice. A culture is perceived as a system, in which a cultural context is inseparable from a that method which psychological lines and functions are organized. The systems as such cannot be compared, compared there can be only parts and properties of the systems. Gustavo Jagod preferred going near a culture as to the system, but asserted that cultural psychology did not have a method to transform this conception of culture so that she was suitable for empiric researches. We also consider so. Till to define the object of cultural researches, we must decide, what from determinations of culture more acceptable to us. The complete falling short of between a culture (in objective sense) and conduct is created difficulty in application to researches of any of three analyzed approaches. A В«culture plugs in itself the part of surroundings В» produced by a man.

3. Reasoning of Robert Levin

В«In anthropology concept a culture means the and different forms of human adaptation, and different ways which humanity organizes the life on earth. People have the system of adaptive aims, many of which have animals, but people has unique ability to arrive at them by means of the acquired descriptions of conduct (models of culture), which can be widely varied from one culture to other. At this level of дискурсу a culture is often determined in relation to foundation of physical and biological surroundings, to which humanity must adapt oneself to survive. But a culture can be also certain as creating surroundings for the members of society. Individuals in a human aggregate do not adapt oneself straight and simply to physical and biological surroundings, but to surroundings cultural, which contains facilities of their individual survival and conducts their adaptation on the already set channels. I use a term culture for denotation of the organized complex of rules on the basis of which individuals in society must contact with each other, to think of to itself and about the surroundings and to behave in relation to by a friend and to the objects of the surroundings. These rules are not universal and not always it is obeyed them, but they are acknowledged by all and they limit the number of variations of models of communication usually, beliefs, values ​​and social conduct in society .. Other forms of communication are usually limited to the external or internal rules, as well as models of co-operation between individuals and belief in relation to the world of external and internal experience В».

4. Reasoning of Harry Triadic

A «important aspect of culture is that she has a structure and that she as unity of partners. Instruments, houses, laws, values ​​and options, are usually associate, often by such difficult character, that they form some sort of the constrained integrity ».

5. Reasoning of Michael Koul

A В«culture can be understood as an integral aggregate of artifacts, accumulated by task force during her historical development. In the aggregate артефакти accumulated by a group is a culture - can be examined as a specific for form's sake (for a man) mean of distinction. It is В«history in nowadays В». Ability to develop in this environment and provide her reproduction in subsequent generations makes the distinctive environment of our kind .. The analysis of psychical functions of man must be based on his everyday activity ... The Historical accumulation of artifacts and their plugging in activity supposes social nature of human thought. As asserted in 1929. L. Vigotskiy, formulating the В«general act of human development В», all facilities of cultural conduct (on my terminology are артефакти) are on the essence social. They are social also on the origin and development. Vigotskiy writes, that every function in cultural development of child appears on the stage twice, in two plans, at first - in social, then - in psychological, at first between people, as a category of interpsychical, after into a child, as a category of intrapsychical ... but, certainly, a transition from outside inward transforms a process, changes his structure and functions.

6. Reasoning of Gustavo Jagod

В«Values which we add, for example, to the houses which we live in, self-existence of houses in a culture, introduces something in a that method which people think of other aspects of their life. Nomads or not having houses will have other system of values, touching the events of their everyday life. Disputes in relation to that, whether produce human artifacts values ​​which are important in a culture, or a culture creates artifacts, which present the types of value, which she gives to the events, remind about other long суперечках in psychology. For example, question about relative importance of surroundings and heredity in determining of conduct hot and comes i...

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