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Реферат Interrelation of culture and language (on the basis of English proverbs and sayings)



1.Why should we be aware of the culture during learning its language?

2.How was English language changing by the time?

3.Why can we call proverbs and sayings as one of the brightest representatives of the culture?

4.What are one of the most popular proverbs and sayings; their meanings and origins?

5.What is students opinion about this matter?


The person principally lives with things like his tongue presents them to him. Each language describes the nation to which it belongs; the circle, which a person is able to leave only because he becomes a member of a circle of another language .modern society approximately 750 million people speak English as their foreign language, according to the British Council, and more than billion people are learning this language, which consists of more than 600 thousand words, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. Meanwhile, approximately 20 million people know German and 110 million are learning this language, which consists of 400,000 words., Just being aware of lexis, grammar, phonetics, spelling, morphology, syntax, punctuation of the language, you learn, is not enough. You also should know the culture of the nation, which created that language, as qualified successful linguist knows both how speech is being made and why speech is being made in such way.knowledge provides us with an opportunity to totally understand foreign language, which we learn, as sometimes it is very complicated for us to do that.have already mentioned that English language officially has 600 thousand words and German 400 thousand, and almost all of them have more than one meaning, therefore, for its learners it is like no one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous .happens in such way due to the fact, that culture and, consequently, language is constantly developing. During this process the word may get or even loose one of its meanings. It makes education procedure extremely complicated; that s why, unfortunately, we deprived of opportunities to become qualified linguists.my point of view, to solve this issue we should study culture. In this case, we will be on familiar terms with developing of language; consequently, we will easily get used to innovations and will start using them earlier than other learners. I am sure, that it will help us to become multilingual people.relevance of my work consists in insufficient knowledge of the matter as a whole, since culture of nation, which language people learn, does not receive a proper attention in the science of our country. Consequently, there is a strong necessity in comprehensive of the issue.aim of this work is to prove on the basis of proverbs and sayings, as one of the brightest representative of philosophy, of English and German languages, that it is very important to be aware of this aspect; to find out what amount of attention is paid to this matter.of the study

reveal the significance of knowledge about civilization, which created the language you gain knowledge of, in education process;

study the history of English language;

set up the importance of proverbs and sayings in civilization;

on the basis of the most popular proverbs conduct the research, which will reveal the level of students awareness of this matter;

make conclusion, based on the theoretical and practical parts of the work, about the significance/poor significance of the knowledge about culture in learning its language.practical significance of this research consists in the fact that the materials and the results of a study can be useful for further deepening and expanding for the topic. Moreover, the proposed theme is perspective in terms of working out the educational strategies.theoretical value of my work is connected with the definition of proverbs and sayings as cultural representatives as a whole.

1. Why should we be aware of the culture during learning its language?

The mental individuality of a people and the shape of its language are so intimately fused with one another, that if one were given, the other would have to be completely derivable from it .are no doubts that the humanity appeared earlier than the language itself and that the language was created by the humanity. Meanwhile, the humanity principally lives with things like his tongue presents them to him. It is like a circle, the circle which will never end. It means that the language always was developing as well as the society did, consequently, the worldview of its native speaker also changed. Nevertheless, the language was being develop...

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