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Реферат The manager as a teacher: selected aspects of stimulation of scientsfsc thinking

artments). Curiously enough, at higher levels the leap does not occur so often, to the extent that it is even considered normal. The formula: "An excellent student, but failed to make proper choice of vocation. Well, he's not a physicist by virtue of thinking - well, that's the way "(the leap allowing to mechanically employ specific style of thinking/physical in this case/did not occur). As to automatic creativity, these concepts in general are considered disconnected, and individuals for whom the process of creation of new essentialities in science and culture is the ordinary professional work not demanding special strain of effort are named geniuses. However, a child sick with functional illiteracy would perceive his peer who has mastered writing to the extent of being able of doing it without looking into a writing-book, a genius, too! Thus, we arrive at the conclusion that creativity at the level of simple genius is basically accessible to everyone. Modern education translates to pupils 'knowledge (of which, according to research, 90% is being well and almost immediately forgotten) and very limited number of skills which would in a step-wise manner move the individual to the following stage of intellectual or physical development. One should know right well that endless school classes and home work, exhausting sports trainings are no more than eternal "throwing of cube" in the hope that lucky number will come out - in the hope of a "click". And the "click" may occur at the first dash. It may never occur as well. Accordingly, the philosophy "repetition is the mother of learning "in effect adds up to a" trial-and-error method " which has been for a long time and fairly branded as such by TRIZists (the followers of Inventive Problems Solution Theory). As a matter of fact, the uneven nature of transition between "in"-and "out" - states at the moment of "click" suggests that it is a question of structural transformation of mentality. That is, "click" requires destruction of a structure (a pattern of thought, a picture of the world) and creation of another one in which a new skill is included "hardwarily" to be used automatically. Restrictions stimulate internal activity. It is proven that creative task "Draw something" without setting pre-determined conditions with restrictions is carried out less productively and less originally than the task: "Draw an unusual animal with a pencil during 30 minutes" (Sergey Pereslegin). Required personal qualities - traits of character/temperamental attributes/may be divided into four conventional groups: necessary, desirable, undesirable and inadmissible. Knowledge can be divided into two groups: means and ways of information processing (including philosophy, logic, mathematics, etc.), the so-called meta-skills or meta-knowledge/which are universal and applicable in any field of activity), and the subject (subjects) matter per se. From the view point of methodology all methods of scie...

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