only the rules but also principles of law holding the methodology of the study. Comprehension is always subjective, original, although the idea of ​​the right to be the same in the group of people walks. object of comprehension may be right on a planetary scale, the right of a particular society, industry, Institute of Law, certain legal provisions. This knowledge of the individual structural elements extrapolated to the law in general. It should be noted that the importance of cognitive load here are environment and interacting with the right social phenomena. comprehension skills are subjects about their rights and responsibilities, specific and general legal permissions, prohibitions, as well as evaluation and treatment of them as fair or unfair. on the level of culture, methodical provision of subject and object choice comprehension study can be complete or incomplete, correct or distorted, positive or negative [9, 113]. people understand the right way it allows her own mind according to cultural traditions present era and society. For her understanding of the law in the time scale limited scope of her life. However, this does not mean that after her death comprehension disappears completely. Such elements of comprehension, as knowledge, assessment, can be transmitted to other people, and legal scholars leave behind besides writing of the law. br/>
1.2 Basic concepts of comprehension
A fundamental problem of the theory of law is the essence of the problem and the social nature of law. studying the various theories and views on the right to consider the following facts: first, the historical conditions of existence of the right in which he lived researcher, and secondly, that the result of comprehension always depends on its religious, ideological, moral position, and thirdly which side is right is taken as the basis of a concept. theories of law have a common understanding of the nature of law. And while there are a set of individual concepts, trends in legal theory, among which are the basic ones. Particularly widespread in contemporary political science and the science of law were sociological, solidaristic, the normative (neo), psychological trends as well as the theory of "revived natural law" [13, 273]. to the theory of natural law, whose ancestors were Grotius, Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu and others., In society, along with the legal standards set by the state, there is also a natural right. Natural law belongs to the man from birth and includes the right to life, personal liberty, private property, the right to be happy. These rights are recognized as indispensable, and every encroachment upon them others, including the state, an offense or crime in general. Positive law is set by the state in the form of laws and regulations. Underlying this are natural rights. The law recognizes the extent it meets, develops and elaborates natural rights. Unjust law...