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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » The concept of wide comprehension

Реферат The concept of wide comprehension

nce. methodological basis of the study is general scientific principles of objectivity, historical, research completeness. Given the specific themes, goals and objectives appropriate to use the following methods:

Unity of history and logic - the disclosure of changes that have been or that theory, the concept of comprehension;

Dialectic - the analysis of the ratio of natural and positive law, the relationship of the concepts of "right" and "law";

Specially-law - when installing external signs legal phenomena, their differences between themselves and simulate their definitions. study the criteria for assigning types of law in the applied system-structural method, and to determine their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages - A comparative legal. p align="justify"> concept comprehension law


.1 Comprehension as one of the main categories of the theory of law

comprehension belonging to major in theory of law. In the world there are many scientific ideas and beliefs about what is right, what is its essence. Comprehension - the process and the result of human intellectual activity aimed at knowledge of law, his perception (evaluation) and related to him as a holistic social phenomenon. , Like the state, is the product of social development. Legally it is formed in the state organized society as the primary regulatory control of public relations. Manners, moral and religious norms of primitive society sidelined, preferring the legal regulation of social relations. Views on the right, its origin, place and role in the regulation changed with the development of the society, maturity scientific and legal thought, the influence of objective and subjective factors. so unique, sophisticated and socially necessary phenomenon for the entire period of its existence, the scientific interest in it does not fail, but rather constantly growing. is not possible without highlighting historical aspects of the origin, formation and development of the law, but the variety of interpretations of the nature of law, its essential features leaves its mark on pravoutvorennya problems [2, c.97]. - A scientific category, which reflects the process and the result of purposeful mental activity a person who holds a knowledge of law, its assessment and treatment of him as a holistic social phenomenon. subject comprehension is always a particular person, such as: a) A citizen has the minimum legal philosophy, which is facing problems of law in general, and b) a practicing lawyer who has sufficient knowledge of the law, is able to apply and interpret legal norms in) scientist, a man with abstract thinking, which deals with the study of law, endowed with the sum of historical and contemporary knowledge, able to interpret not ...

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