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Реферат Metaphor in its Broad Perspective

Metaphor as a Figurative and Expressive Means of Language

In times of classical antiquity, when scientists only stood at the origins of the study of metaphor and knowledge of it were quite superficial, it figuratively - expressive means of language were seen as a reduction in the comparison, that is comparison of which excluded the predicates of similarity, such as "like", comparative phrases, like "if", "exact", "how" and "as if". Thus the main comparison, their motivations, the circumstances of time and space and other modifiers are eliminated [15; 81]. The term metaphor ( metajor ? from the Greek: metapherin-transfer) was introduced by Aristotle , metaphor was a Greek word meaning "transfer". The Greek etymology is from meta, implying "a change" and pherein meaning "to bear, or carry". In modern Greek the word metaphor also means transport or transfer. Aristotle linked this concept with the understanding of art as imitation of life.

The metaphor of Aristotle, in fact, is almost indistinguishable from the hyperbole-exaggeration of synecdoche, allegory, from a simple comparison and impersonation. In all cases, the transfer of meaning from one to another. Thus, according to the definition of Aristotle, a metaphor - nothing but "the transfer of the name or type in appearance, or type in the genus or species to species, or similar. "Lay down a good metaphor - it means to notice the similarities in the nature" [14, 18]. In language, a metaphor is a rhetorical trope defined as a direct comparison between two seemingly unrelated subjects. In a metaphor, a first object is described as being or precisely equal to a second object. Thus, the first object can be economically described because implicit and explicit attributes from the second object are used to enhance the description of the first. This device is exploited in literature and especially in poetry, where with few words, emotions and associations from one context can powerfully be associated with another, different subject [5; 56]. p align="justify"> In cognitive linguistics, metaphor is often seen as a basic cognitive function, that humans naturally see common traits in subjects which are factually distinct, and such behaviour may be required for comprehension and learning. Termed a conceptual metaphor, this trait is exploited in psychotherapy using a therapeutic metaphor where stories unrelated to the patient are used to teach lessons about the patient's situation. Though the word metaphor in linguistic or cognitive areas are analogies, such use falls outside the literary definition of metaphor.metaphor is, commonly, a figure of speech used to paint one concept with the attributes normally associated with another. Literal and figurative language contains several broad categories of figurative speech which are classified as...

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