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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Transfer features of newspaper texts

Реферат Transfer features of newspaper texts



1. Types of translation theory

2. Definition of equivalence in translation

.1 Jakobson and the different concept of equivalence

.2 Formal correspondence and dynamic equivalence

.3 Types of Equivalents

.4 Equivalence within the framework of Dynamic translation model

3. The usage of different levels of translation in literature texts

4. Aspects of Translating Process

5. Practical Examples


Translation is essentially the task of communicating across cultures. The translator has the job of taking a message formed in one culture and producing a message that is understandable to members of other culture. Ideally, the translated message should impart the same understanding as the original message, but such results are not always possible. Some factors affecting the "reception" of the translation include the knowledge of the translator, the knowledge of the receiver (s), and the distance between the two cultures in terms of common experiences.actual work of translation brings together everything the translator has learned about the target audience. Having faced many difficulties in preparing for me translation, the translator is will face still more obstacles before the work is done. Pitfalls include technical flaws in the translation, insufficient knowledge of the language, and failure to consider the presuppositions of the audience. As with other stages of the process, the finished work can refined by testing and revision.work with, both speech and the written word. In the former case, the results are needed within seconds for communication to proceed; in the latter case, the results may take hours or even years. While translation of the written word has the luxury of more time, the task is accordingly more difficult man the translation of speech. A conversation, say, between the leaders of two countries will tend to touch on a limited number of subjects, with individual utterances being of generally short duration. A written work, on the other hand, may deal with a great variety of subjects, and the structure of the language may be much more complex. A reader has the opportunity to think more about what has been written, and thus has the opportunity for exploring multiple levels of meaning.project course paper consists of Introduction, Four main Chapters Demonstration, Conclusion and Bibliography.have chosen this theme because I think that it is very requisite, helpful and interesting. The aim of my project course paper is to show that we can translate texts at different levels, which are complicated and difficult. Also I want to show that translator is dealing with two different cultures at the same time. As we are future interpreters these different levels will be very useful. With the help of the...

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