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Реферат Managing a "virtual team" on a project

No trust, no team

) Soft skills and essential

) Watch out of performance peak

) Create a high-touch environment

) Virtual team leadership matters # 2: Managing a Virtual Project Teamby Gary Hamilton, Jeff Hodgkinson, Gareth Byattcontend that there are five primary aspects in which a project manager should direct their efforts to ensure effective project management of the virtual team:

) Manage Goals

) Manage Communications

) Keep People Motivated

) Regularly Assess the Effectiveness of the Remote Communications, and 5) Use Collaboration Tools.

Source # 3: Keys to managing a Virtual project team

Written by Bruce McGrawthis article: Keys to managing a Virtual project team , Bruce McGraw describe and reveals in detail most important keys of managing a virtual project team.

and analysis

I chose 2 key points which play main role in managing with a virtual team. There is Communication and Planning, from my point of view without them managing with a virtual team is impossible.is the most of important keys when managing a virtual team. And you need to know upfront that communicating with a virtual team will take more of your time as project manager than working with a local team. If it is at all logistically possible, you should try to have your first team meeting face-to-face. In teleconferences, even video conferences, the socialization and trust building that happens face-to-face is missing. As project manager you must assure a coherent representation to the entire team of the mission, customer needs, tasking and schedule. You accomplish this through written and verbal communication at the kick-off meeting and every day after that. Communication at weekly staff meetings should include an agenda that is distributed before the meeting, facilitated interchange during the meeting, and summary/action items distributed to the entire team quickly afterwards.in the context of a virtual team requires more thought on task assignments. To the extent possible, tasks should be independent with clear goals for input, process, and output. Encourage team members to communicate frequently with others whose work integrates with theirs. Serve as a role model for this in addition to active reminders and feedback.the book of Jossey-Bass and A. Wiley Virtual Team Success: A Practical Guide for Working and Leading from a Distance written about how to working and leading with virtual team and they contend 6 lessons fro create...

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