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Реферат Security law enforcement and personal security staff in the development of independent Ukraine

have already been made, but not enough about anything, including the results of population surveys regarding their attitudes toward the police, have been conducted in different regions of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and specialist researchers at the University of Internal Affairs. Thus, only 10% of citizens of Ukraine, according to a study of the Public Relations Internal Affairs of Ukraine commended the work of law enforcement bodies as good, while 37% identified it is unsatisfactory and 39% satisfactory. Critically relate directly to citizens and law enforcement officers. Low ratings were such as workers as sensitivity, culture communication, professionalism, appearance, and some others.indicator of the authority of law enforcement in society and a prerequisite for their effective operation is the willingness of people to cooperate with them in case of need to come to the rescue. As a result of the above mentioned study, 22% of respondents pointed to the possibility of their participation in public health units on order, and the majority (almost 60%) believe that assist the police only have the power structure. The low activity of the population in this area is supported by the results of'' criminal situation and the relationship of the police and the public in Kharkiv ", conducted by the University of Internal Affairs in early 1997 p.: Only 5.5% of Kharkiv wish to participate in public order and 2.3% - ready to provide moral support to the police. These data indicate the need for more intensive and focused work on the introduction of measures aimed at forming favorable public opinion regarding law enforcement, enhance their prestige in society. It is very difficult and laborious affair concerning various aspects of law enforcement and where there may be little things. Certainly matter perfect training of law enforcement personnel, skillful performance of their professional duties related to law enforcement and the fight against crime. Together so important is the fact that man is a law enforcement officer whether he is attentive, patient, even-tempered, friendly, as he says, or he can ask and listen to people, which is its appearance, whether it is in external characteristics stereotype of a strong, credible, serious man who is able to help, protect others and themselves.important is the question of the title of the organization. This is not a formal matter, because in the name of the organization in the most concise manner expressed its essence, that is the reason for which it was created and operates. Under the name of the organization has an impact on its external and internal perception, ie as perceived in society and as perceived by their employees. Attitude of workers to organize and significantly shape their attitude to themselves as members of this organization, as it directly affects the models 'of their professional conduct. In recent years, the pages of the special literature repeat...

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