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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » The Socialist-Revolutionaries and the labor movement (the beginning of the twentieth century)

Реферат The Socialist-Revolutionaries and the labor movement (the beginning of the twentieth century)

On the eve of the Bolshevik Revolution Party - its top leadership and local organizations were in a state of confusion and disorganization.

The Left SRs, more organizationally consolidated, not only supported the Bolsheviks in Petrograd, but also in several other places. However, in situations when, after October 1917 the SR had not oppose autocracy, the regime and their related goals of the Socialist Party, the Bolsheviks also declared the socialization of land, the party's influence began to fall. Its massive job loses effectiveness and also because the peasants, workers and soldiers experiencing the euphoria of the Bolshevik decrees, speeches, SRs have not listened to the onetime enthusiasm and confidence.

The final point in a dramatic story Socialist-Revolutionary Party was set in 1937 - forged deed "National Center "in which all members of the Revolutionary Party had been declared hostile members of the Soviet system, the organization with all the ensuing consequences.

Completed its work, one of the most influential and oldest left-wing parties in Russia, an important component of theoretical doctrine, which is the terror. From him, she herself died, only with the help of another political force, which happened at that historic moment stronger.

Thus, past experience interesting contemporaries at the time of transition from a rigid one party dictatorship to a multiparty system. The leader of the emerging new political parties should be familiar with the lessons of party building at the turn of XIX and XX century.

The existing political parties are small, have a weak social base. They have not learned to overcome and stop the intra-party crises, possess rudiments of compromise, to take into account in their work of other public organizations.

We have not developed and today the classical scheme of arrangement of political forces, ie formation of left and right blocks with a traditional center.

It is therefore quite reasonable and relevant is the topic of this conference to help understand the state of the place and role of civil society in the country, the degree of state involvement in this process, more efficient use of capacity on existing political, social, and other amateur organizations in the development of the Belarusian society.


1. Chernov, VM Statism, Socialism shielding/Chernov// Historical Archive. - 2008. - № 1 - P.3-23. p> 2. October 1917 and the fate of political apposition. Part I. Ed. EM Entin - Gomel: BANTU - 1993. - 255p. p> 3. Gistoryya Belarusi: a 6 tons/Red calories: M. Kastsyuk (gal. Red) [I insh.] - Мiнск: Ekaperspektyva, 2002-2005. - Vol.6. kn. I: Satsyyalisty-revalyutsyyanery/A. Warab 'еСћ [i insh.] - 2001 - 592p. p> 4. Non-proletarian parties of Russia in June 1907 - February 1917g. g. Ed. EM Entin - Gomel: BANTU - 1991. - 164s. p> 5. Gistoryya Belarusi: a 6 tons/Red calories: M. Kastsyuk (gal. Red) [I insh.] - Мiнск: Ekaperspektyva, 2000-2005. - Vol.6. kn. II: УстаноСћчи Ret at Rasii -/A. Urbanovich - 2003 - 616s. p> 6. Spirin, LI The collapse of the landlord and bourgeois parties in Russia/LI Spirin. - M. 1977. with.301.

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