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Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

ig role in economy of Canada is played by the foreign capital. Foreign monopolies supervise seventy percent mining and fifty seven manufacturing industries. Eighty percent of foreign investments in Canada belong USA. Canada is included in system of continuously becoming complicated global economy. Its involvement into the world economic activity it is very multidimensional. Canada could participate successfully in global division of labor to a great extent thanks to early start in construction of the economy which was based on manufacturing industry, industrial production and marketing. The economic success is in many respects connected with consumption of a huge number of energy. In this regard Canada-one of world leaders. The Canadian economy is well developed, covering the different parties. From extensive wheat fields in the West to the centers of high technologies in east cities. Canada shows so various structure of economic activity, as well as any other developed country of the world. Canada possesses a wide set of energy resources. Oil and natural gas get in the western provinces, investigation is constantly conducted in northern areas. In a number of areas coal represents an important power source. Wellbeing of Canada as and that it has considerable stocks of the hydroelectric power. The power-consuming industry of aluminum moved from fiftieth years on rather remote, but a coastal site rich with hydroenergy resources in British Columbia. In recent years considerable hydropower construction was carried out in Quebec. Development of the Canadian economy, is originally focused on a mining industry and agriculture, was accompanied by expansion of various manufacturing industry. Canada borders in the South and in the West on the USA. Slowness of borders (including Alaska) - eight thousand eight hundred ninety three kilometers. The frontier is very favorable as between the USA-advanced country which is a part of the Group of Eight and Canada exist close, favorable to Canada, trade relations.

. Economic districts of country

Central economic region is the largest industrial region of Canada. Here, passing ports of the Atlantic provinces, on a deep-water way of the river of Sacred Lavrenti there arrive ocean liners from Europe and Asia, here the largest international airports of Canada, including are connected by the regular line with our country - the Montreal airport Mirabelle plums. The central region occupies twenty six percent of the territory of Canada, but here lives sixty two percent of all Canadians, sixty three percent of all gross domestic product of the country, seventy five manufacturing industries are made. More than eighty percent of the population of the area live in the cities. Until recently in this area «all policy» became, more than hundred years it played a mother country role. In the last decades its economic political weight slowly, but considerably decreases, and everything acts division, even split of the central region on two half Quebec and Ontario, with dissimilar economic structure and growing political contradictions more distinctly. In the last decades its economic political weight slowly, but considerably decreases, and everything acts division, even split of the central region on two half - Quebec more distinctly and Ontario, with dissimilar economic structure and growing political contradictions. The distant West co...

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