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Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

vering entirely the province the British Colombia-third on value the economic region of Canada. About ten percent of the territory, eleven percent of the population and twelve percent of industrial production of the country are the share of it. The territory of the Distant West stretches from border with the USA in the south to Alaska and the North-West Territories in the north, and from the coast of the Pacific Ocean on the West to border with steppe provinces in the east. Main richness of the area wood. This area is rich with mineral resources. The steppe area covering the Canadian part of the Great Plains, is the share of the one fifth part of the territory of Canada. Here lives alone the sixth population and it is made the one fifth industrial output of the country. Here are got: oil, gas, nickel, potash salts, polymetals. The steppe area began to be guided by a foreign market less. The leading role in this area is kept by agriculture. The largest city and center of the steppe area Winnipeg. In Canada the inland water transport is very developed. For transportation bigger parts of freights are used waterways. The tonnage of merchant marine fleet is rather insignificant as the majority of transportations is carried out by vessels under «convenient flags». The most part of midland routes passes through a deep-water way down the river Sacred Lavrenti, allowing sea vessels to come on four thousand kilometers into depth of the continent. The main transported goods - grain from port Tander Bey on the Top lake to ports on Sacred Lavrenti «s river, and also iron in steel foundries of Canada and the USA. On the western coast a large number of the wood is transported on barges and tows. Both on western, and on east coasts there is a developed system of transportations. About the island of Newfoundland, there are extensive banks where enormous slip-ups of a cod accumulate. On banks annually catch more five hundred thousand tone of fish, that is half of the Canadian catch. Here come on trade and vessels of the USA, Japan, England, France, Spain. The island of Newfoundland is located at an entrance to one of the most important waterways of North America - Sacred Lavrenti »s river. On the island it isn «t enough cities. The main part of the population lives in the fishing settlements scattered on the coast. The coast of the Atlantic Ocean is connected to the Great Lakes by Sacred Lavrenti »s river - an important transport way, but thresholds disturbed pass of sea vessels from the ocean to lakes. Down the river to the Great Lakes there are sea vessels. On this water highway take out freights from Canada and industrial regions of the northeast of the USA. Unlike the majority of the developed countries for which are most characteristic universal ports, in Canada, as in developing countries, Australia and The Republic of South Africa, ports are narrowly specialized on export of oil, ore, coal. Ports of Canada largest on goods turnover: Vancouver, Montreal, Thunder Bay, Halifax, Quebec, Seth-or.

. Historical and geographical features of development

of France, lodged in the beginning were the first colonists of Canada the seventeenth century on river banks of Sacred Lavrenti. Canada at that time was called as Nova France. The French trading companies based here trading stations and quickly grew rich, buying up for nothing at Indians of a skin of valuable fur anima...

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